Page 70 of Jaded Princess
You can.
“No,” I whispered.
Look under your right eye. See? No freckle.
I gulped but strayed to where the dot should be.
And your chin. Where’s the scar after flying over the front handles of your bike and landing jaw-first on summer-baked asphalt?
Not there, because that was the day I’d had a stomach bug and Cassie was forced to bike to swim class on her own.
Your freckle, Scarlet Rhodes’s beauty mark, is under your right brow, low enough that the corner of your lashes touch it when your eyes are open.
I touched the spot, my lashes flickering against my finger.
And your stripes are on your hips, the lightest white stretch marks, from losing weight so rapidly then gaining a bit of it back after my death. Whereas mine are right on top of my ass.
That was right. Cassie often bemoaned her randomly acquired stretch marks when we were changing in the locker rooms or in our bedroom swapping clothes, whereas I had none. Not at that time, when she was alive, complaining, and being the most annoying person on the planet to share a room with.
And your scar. It’s on your ribcage. See? A bullet wound I never received, because I’m not you.
“I’m not you,” I said, grazing over the wound.
You’re not me.
“You’re dead.”
I waited for a response, but the voice, whatever or whoever it was, said nothing. It was gone.
With its absence came a steadying of my trembles, a rhythm to my breathing. I was the sole resident in this bathroom, had always been. It was only me, contributing to the silence.
A knock came at the door as I was smoothing down my newly glossed strands.
“Scarlet?” It was Rada’s voice. “Are you ready for the dress?”
“Yes—” I scrambled around the floor for my underwear. Out of the corner of my eye, pastel blue caught my attention. Upon further inspection, it turned out to be a neatly folded (and perfume scented) bustier and lace thong. “Just a second!”
When did Theo do that? Did he reopen the door as I was drying off and quietly sling an arm around the frame, dropping off the expensive, fragrant package? Or did he do it when he originally came into the bathroom, before seeing me curled into a ball on the floor? DidRadadrop this off during Theo’s and my water-soaked sex?
“Jesus, this place,” I muttered. But shook out the bustier anyway and clipped it on.
Expectedly, it was gorgeous and hugged my curves in all the right ways. Theo flung himself into my vision, his gaze raking up and down, drinking in every lace detail before moving to reveal the skin underneath. I told his image to fuck off.
The shower scene would be the lastlasttime, damn it.
I opened the door to Rada, who held the red vision on a hanger, her other arm crooked at the mid-length so it barely touched the floor.
“This should fit you seamlessly,” she said. Her expression showed no indication she knew what Theo and I had been up to, but I’d be a fool to take Rada at face value. I was dealing with people who’d mastered the art of poker long before I entered into their town. Rada earned her crown years before me. Possibly at birth when she was born to a crime lord.
“Thank you,” I said, taking the dress carefully. “I truly mean it.”
Rada’s attention lowered, then stopped at my collarbone. “Don’t take that necklace off. It will go lovely with the dress.”
I unconsciously fingered Kai’s gold chain but dropped my hand as soon as I became aware.
“I … uh, I’ll be out soon.” I started to shut the door, but she gently palmed it to remain open.
“Sax and I will be waiting for you in the drawing room. We have a few things to discuss before you go.”