Page 131 of Broken (Broken 1)
“I can tell,” she mumbles and lets out a long sigh. “Do you want to talk about it?”
I shake my head, “Not really. I’ve just got a lot on my mind.” And Nathan still isn’t speaking to me. After our argument last night I genuinely hoped it would have all blown over. Instead he walked downstairs, saw me sat in the dining room with Dillan and asked, “Still here?” He didn’t wait for an answer, his tone stated he didn’t like the fact that I’m still here, that much I knew for certain. After grabbing his food that I made, he vanished upstairs. I heard his office door slam shut and let out the breath I’d been holding.
I need to find a way to get through to him.
“Why don’t you come over for dinner tonight? Bring Dillan obviously.” That actually doesn’t sound too bad.
“A word please, Jeanine,” Nathan snaps. I wince, praying I haven’t gotten her into trouble. She rolls her eyes and gives me a wink before following him out of the room and up the stairs.
Of course I follow, how can I not? They don’t have to know that though.
“Yes, I’m serious.” I hear Nathan say.
My ear is pressed up against the door, I feel like I’m in a movie.
Jeanine laughs as if he’s said the funniest thing in the world. I don’t have to wait long for an explanation. “Oh, Nathan. You know I don’t have to work. The only reason I do work is because I’m the only person who keeps your house the way you like it.” She laughs again. “But by all means fire me, it won’t stop me from speaking to Gwen. She’s become a friend and I don’t treat my friends with such disrespect.”
Nathan doesn’t respond but I can feel his annoyance seeping through the wooden door.
“Will that be all?” Jeanine asks and I quickly run away. They probably know I was there, but to be honest, I don’t care.
I can’t believe he threatened to fire her if she continued speaking to me. Or at least, that’s what I understood from their short conversation. What an arsehole.
Is he really that desperate for me to leave?
My answer is yes. I get this answer by suffering another two days with him.
“I didn’t want lasagne. If you’re going to stay in my home even though I’ve asked you to leave, you could at least prepare food that I actually want to eat,” I watched him take his plate and scrape the untouched food into the bin. That was yesterday at dinner.
“This room is horrendous. It stinks of nappies,” this was said this morning after I had just changed Dillan’s nappy. He knew very well I’d just done this as well.
About half an hour later I was trying to connect to the internet. It didn’t work. Nathan stood in the archway and explained harshly, “The internet isn’t free you know. Have some self-respect. Pay for your own things.”
I didn’t respond, I played minesweeper instead as Dillan had his nap. I can only pray that it gets better.
Not even twenty minutes later Nathan returns, picks up my laptop and takes it away. He comes back with my old phone, takes my new one from my pocket, swaps the simcards and places my old phone back into my pocket.
“You paid for the nursery, are you going to take that away too?” I comment dryly, my eyes narrowed.
“No, I’ll need that room empty and I doubt I’ll get my money back on such poorly looked after furniture.”
I let out a laugh, “Considering you’ve used the furniture as much as me, that’s an insult to yourself.”
He only leaves the room. I sit and twiddle my thumbs, my irritation at a new level. I’m finding it hard to keep it together and it’s only been one day.
Oh god. What now? He’s back. It hasn’t been fifteen minutes since he left the room.
Oh wait, it’s okay, he’s going to the car with my… why the hell does he have my nappy bag? I watch him walk back to the house through the clear glass of the window. His face a hard mask.
He steps into the room and throws Dillan’s coat at me. I catch it before it hits me in the face. “Take Dillan and get out for a few hours. Your nappy bag is packed with the right amount of everything.”
“What?” He’s kicking us out for the day?
“You heard me, I have to concentrate. Get in your car and go.”
Will he let me back in if I do?
He sighs at my lack of action and snatches the coat from me, “Honestly, you’re his mother. The least you could do is get him ready to leave. That’s all I’m asking.” I’m going to punch him.
I watch him dress Dillan quickly and efficiently. God damn him. Now he’s leaving the house.