Page 5 of Broken (Broken 1)
I can’t help but read over his shoulder.
Nathan: I can’t believe you’ve done this to me. You ruin everything. I’m done.
“Who’s Nathan?” I ask quietly so only he can hear.
He chews on his lower lip for a moment and lets out a sigh. “My older brother.” I watch him place his phone in his pocket without responding.
“Is everything okay?” My ear’s against his chest so I can hear his heart beating faster than it was a second ago.
“Yeah, it will be.” I relax slightly until I hear him add, more to himself than to me, “He’ll get over it.”
“Get over what?”
“Nothing,” he gives me his shining smile and kisses the bridge of my nose. “Just family stuff.”
“Is it to do with you leaving?”
“Nah, he doesn’t know about that yet. Watch the movie, you’re missing the best part.”
I leave it, my trust in him is greater than my trust in anyone else. Which isn’t exactly a feat since I have no one in my life that I trust. Except my mum but some days I’m not even sure if I trust her. I know he’ll tell me when he’s ready and I’m sure whatever he’s done isn’t that bad.
“I have to go,” he stretches as the ending credits roll. “My dad’s expecting me and I’ve got a few things I need to sort out.”
“Will I see you tomorrow?” I ask, missing him already and he hasn’t even left yet.
“Yes, but not until the afternoon,” he stands and I stand with him. It feels good to stretch my body after such a long time curled up. “Is that okay?”
No, “Course.” Lies.
“Good. See me out?” The look on his face tells me I shouldn’t say no. Mostly because the look on his face screams of lust. There’s nothing I like better than a make-out session with Caleb.
“Duh,” I giggle and follow him to the front door.
As soon as I step outside and the door closes my back is pressed up against it and Caleb’s mouth is on mine. His hands grip my hips as he presses his front against me. My body immediately lights up, flames of passion licking at my skin and nerves. By the time his tongue pushes through my lips I’m a trembling mess, my hands in his hair and my thong so wet I’m surprised it hasn’t dissolved.
“You’re perfect,” he whispers against my mouth before resting his forehead against mine. “How can one person be so perfect?”
“I have love handles,” I blurt as a way to prove the fact that I’m far from perfect.
His warm hands slip under my top and slide along the waistband of my jeans. He grips the bare skin above my hips and grinds his hard bulge against me. “Every inch of you is perfection. I can’t wait to see it all for myself.”
“I’m serious,” he looks serious. His hand clasps mine and brings it to his chest, “You make my heart race by just looking at me.”
“You too,” I say breathily and kiss his soft neck. Running my nose along his slight stubble I slide my hands into his long hair. “Even if this doesn’t last, I’ll keep hold of this forever.”
He grins, his teeth glinting in the glow of the street lights, “It’ll last.”
“I hope so.”
His hands grip my shoulders as he takes a step back, “You’ll see babe. It will.”
I mentally repeat my spoken words. I hope so.
“Until tomorrow,” he kisses my pouting lips once more and walks backwards out of my driveway, not turning around until I go back inside. Which I do quickly as I’m worried he’s going to fall.
“He seems nice,” Mum says and my heart is even happier. “Don’t get pregnant.”
Sigh. “I won’t mum.”
“That’s what I said,” she grumbles and my heart is definitely no longer happy.
“Well I’m sorry that me being born was such an inconvenience to you,” I don’t say it angry, my voice is weak. What’s worse is she doesn’t correct me, even as I walk solemnly and slowly to my bedroom, hoping the entire time that she will.
I have to work today, I don’t mind work, I like being busy and my boss Charlie is pretty cool. He’s an older guy, at least sixty and he’s fun to talk to.
We laugh a lot while we make and serve drinks for paying customers. The café is only small but we’re normally quite busy, like today I’m rushed off my feet, I don’t even notice when Caleb walks in until his hands are at my hips and I’m squealing in shock.
“Don’t do that,” I cry but can’t contain my smile.
“Best smile ever, I want you to smile at me like that every time you greet me,” he dips his head and presses his lips against mine briefly.
I flush at his words and flush even more when my boss clears his throat. “Go sit,” I demand and push Caleb towards an empty table. “What do you want to drink?”