Page 94 of Broken (Broken 1)
I gasp and my smile returns, my thoughts now distracted. “I haven’t shown you the nursery yet.”
We manage to finally get to bed after midnight, I send Nathan a text, asking him if he got to wherever he was going safe and sound. I don’t expect him to reply, he usually doesn’t and this time is no exception. I bury my head in the pillow and sigh before shutting my eyes and letting sleep claim me.
I awake with the sun streaming through the windows, gah, who opened them. “Morning!” Of course, Sasha.
“Sleeping,” I grumble and bury my face under the covers. My morning ritual.
“Up. I want to explore.”
“Fine,” I relent and slide out of bed. “Get me ready, I’ll just sleep while I sit.” My eyes won’t open, they refuse to.
“Your phone went off about twenty minutes ago, one missed call and a text message from Nathan.”
To read them would be to move. To move would be to wake up. To wake up would be to… ugh.
“Kay,” I yawn and reach at the table blindly. My phone falls to the floor. Darn. “I’ll get it.”
Sasha giggles and places it in my hand, “Maybe you should go and wash your face first. It might stop your eyes from sticking together.”
“Good point,” I say around a yawn and waddle into the bathroom. After splashing water on my face I pull my hair up into a loose bun and apply a little mascara. Sasha watches me like a hawk, already dressed and ready for the day in dark blue skinny jeans and a thick, silver to the thigh jumper. “Where’s Tommy?”
Sasha nods towards the hall, “Getting ready.” Which translates to, ‘getting five minutes more sleep before throwing on whatever he can in two seconds and making it look like he’s been getting ready.’
“I’ll start on breakfast,” I stretch, laughing when the bottom of my belly peeks out from below my top. “I think I need bigger clothes again.”
“That’s what we’ll do this morning!” Sasha bounces on the spot, looking far too giddy, far too early.
“I don’t think Tommy will appreciate that,” I murmur and slide my thumb over my phone.
Nathan: I apologize for leaving so suddenly. Have fun with your friends. There’s some money in the top drawer of your dresser. I placed it there before leaving. Spend it as you wish. Not including the obvious things I have a clear distaste for.
Me: Thank you, that’s very kind. Is everything okay? I was worried.
Nathan: Everything is fine, Gwen. I’ll bring you back something nice.
Me: Just bring yourself back, unless you come back with chocolate too, I won’t complain. When can I expect you home?
Nathan: Tonight, at about six. I wouldn’t say no to those pasta parcels you make.
Me: Duly noted.
After tucking my phone into my pocket I head down the stairs, Sasha goes to get Tommy up.
I make a quick and easy breakfast, omelettes with mushrooms and cheese. I have to keep my stash of eggs hidden. Nathan has a really weird thing about eggs. If he can’t see them, like in cake or pastry, then he’s fine. But any form of eggs: scrambled, fried, poached, etc. He freaks out and puts them in the bin immediately. I’m going to use his absence to enjoy a well-deserved omelette with my friends.
“I’m so glad you guys are here, I just wish you could stay longer,” I pout slightly and place their plates in front of them.
Tommy wags his eyebrows, “And have me miss, Halloween, the one night of the year where women dress like…”
“Sexy creatures of the night,” Sasha finishes his sentence.
I look down at my belly, “I should just paint a bull’s eye or something on my belly.”
“Or paint it so it looks like the skin’s torn and make tentacles look like they’re coming out of it,” Tommy seems way too excited by this idea. “You know? Like off Alien vs Predator?”
We both look at him incredulously. Sasha speaks first, “You are not only weird, but you’re also disgusting.”
“I second that vote,” I raise my hand, wincing when Tommy slaps it down and throws a piece of cucumber at Sasha. “Violence solves nothing.”
He shrugs, “I thought it felt pretty good.”
“Slapping a pregnant woman felt good?” Sasha feigns horror.
He only sighs, “I’m leaving you behind if you don’t stop bullying me.”
“Like that’ll ever happen,” Sasha snorts quietly, knowing full well he can hear her.
“Me leaving you behind?” His face takes on a daring expression, willing her to say yes.
“Guys,” I laugh and finish my breakfast. “Come on.”
“Yeah, we’re going to buy big belly some new clothing.”
“You’re such a bitch, Sasha.” Even if her words are true.
She only smiles in return, “You’ll be skinny again soon.”
Shudder. “And mature.”
“And a milf,” Tommy adds which makes Sasha throw the same piece of cucumber back at him.
I stand before they involve me in the food fight, “I’ll just be a minute.”