Page 26 of Forever (Broken 3)
“I’m fine,” he whispers and backs me into the bathroom door. “I can see your head spinning a thousand tales, but I’m fine. It’s probably just a cold.”
“In summer?”
“This is England,” he points out. “Is there such a thing?”
Fair point.
“Did you take your vitamins?”
“Of course.”
“You better not be contagious,” I mutter then pull away from him and tuck the towel tightly beneath my armpits.
“Stop worrying.” He grins and nuzzles my cheek with his nose.
“He’s such a baby,” I whisper down the phone to my mum.
“He’s male; of course he is.”
“All he wants to do is lie in bed.”
“Again, revert back to my previous statement.” She laughs and I smile along with her. “How are my grandbabies?”
“They’re great. I missed Emily so much.” I watch my baby girl play happily beside her brother.
“Why didn’t he take Dillan instead?” She enquires.
“Dillan wouldn’t have sat still while Nathan worked. Emily is less of a handful.”
“Makes sense. I need to come and see you all.”
“You do!” I really wish she could. It feels like a lifetime has passed since we saw each other last. “You’re always welcome here.”
“You too, we’ll have to make a plan. What about in August?”
“Well I’m away for Sasha’s birthday and then there’s work… apart from those two things I’m free.”
“I’ll speak to my boss about the rota and let you know. Now go and look after your fiancé. I can hear him whining in the background.”
Nathan has been whinging like a baby for the past twenty minutes. He likes me to cuddle him when he’s poorly; he says it soothes him. To be fair, I enjoy him cuddling me when I’m poorly and I do like holding him. Feeling his heart beating in his chest settles my own nervous heart.
Unfortunately, he’s fallen ill at the worst time because I have the kids and in an hour I have work. I can’t leave them to cuddle him.
“Will you get up and stop being such a wuss?” I yell up the stairs.
“I just need a cuddle before you go.” He blows his nose and then sniffs heavily. “Please?”
“Come downstairs then,” I order and usher my kids back into the room. They’re like little chubby shadows of mine.
“Ugh,” he grunts but I hear the bed creak as he moves. “I feel awful.”
“I know, Baby,” I say softly as he descends the stairs, wrapped in a blanket. “But you’ve got to start being active or the kids will kill you.”
He nods and opens the blanket for me to embrace him. The heat his body is emitting is crazy. I feel sweaty before I even get my arms around his toned waist.
“You’re so soft,” he coos in my ear and nips the lobe with his teeth.
“I need to make something for the kids for dinner.” He doesn’t let me pull away so I add, “Unless you feel like cooking for them?” His arms, blanket and heat leave me faster than water from a tap. Giggling silently, I pad into the kitchen and pull a few things from the fridge.
“With you working so much I hardly get to eat your food anymore,” Nathan pouts from the doorway. I love it when he pouts; he looks so adorable. His cheeks are glowing pink through his light stubble; no doubt his fever is a leading contributor to the colour. It’s not often that I get to see him with a bit of scruff on his face and I really like it. “Stop staring at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you want to eat me.”
I wag my eyebrows. “I do want to eat you.”
“I’m too poorly today, you insatiable creature.”
My head falls back with a laugh. “You’re insane.”
“I’m also too poorly for your sexual deviance. Away with you. He backs out of the room, his eyes dragging down my body so slowly it feels like a caress. He’s not wrong. I am insatiable at the moment and that look that he just gave me has not helped at all to soothe my latest case of horniness. If anything it has only poured fuel onto that fire.
To distract myself I make them an easy to heat pasta bake and leave it in the oven for later. I just hope Emily likes it; she’s so awkward with food at the moment. She survives solely on biscuits, raspberries and milk.
When I enter the room, almost ready for work, I sigh happily when I see my entire life snuggled together under a duvet on the couch. Some kind of kid’s TV show is on the TV and Nathan and Emily are lightly napping. I had wondered why they’d quietened. Dillan is sat by Nathan’s hip, enthralled in his TV show, so I back slowly and quietly from the room and close the door behind me.
Gwen: I didn’t want to wake you or disturb the mini demon so I’ve left you with air kisses and dinner in the oven. I love you, good luck and take it easy. Xx