Page 28 of Forever (Broken 3)
“Gross,” I laugh and wipe at the spot with my sleeve.
“NEEOOOR!” Dillan yells and flies his toy plane around the kitchen and then back into the hall. Emily sits in the doorway and watches him, a teddy in her hand.
“How are you feeling today?”
“Better.” He slides his hands down to my groin and cups it over my jeans before grinding his own into my arse cheeks.
A shudder pulses through me but I shake it off and concentrate on the sizzling pan in front of me. “Let me cook lunch.”
“I can be your lunch,” he whispers and nips at the lobe of my ear. My thighs press together and my teeth sink sharply into my lip. I feel him swell against me and the ache it causes makes me want to collapse onto the ground and beg to be taken. I may or may not have done this before.
“Food,” I mutter, my energy all in one place, not leaving enough for me to speak at a normal volume.
Soft lips move across the back of my neck as one of his hands gathers up my hair.
I moan; I can’t help it. My hands leave the pan and my arse pushes back against his swollen length.
“Fuck,” Nathan hisses when the sound of the doorbell has us both instantly alert. “Such crappy timing.”
“You’re telling me,” I breathe and focus again on the bacon which is now crispier than I’d planned to cook it. “Can you get that?”
“Certainly my lady,” he bows playfully and backs out of the kitchen, almost tripping on Emily’s abandoned teddy as he goes. I can hear Dillan babbling to her from the living room so I know they’re okay. There’s nothing dangerous for them to get their hands on thanks to Nathan and his paranoia when it comes to the safety of his children.
“Who was it?” I call when I hear the door close.
A low whisper comes from the hall and then I hear her sweet voice cry, “SURPRISE!”
My best friend, Sasha, appears in the kitchen doorway.
I scream, she screams and then we embrace.
“HEY!” Dillan yells, unhappy with our noise.
Nathan shakes his head, his smile emitting happiness as he scoops up his son and leaves Sasha and I to reunite.
“What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to surprise you. I’m only here for a few hours. Tommy has a meeting at a sports place somewhere over that way.” She points at the far wall. “I figured I’d come and spend it with you.”
I hug her again. “I’m so glad you did.”
“I come bearing gifts.” She points to the bags she dropped upon entering and gives one a little kick. It rattles. “For the kids, not for you.”
“Oh,” I feign disappointment, she punches my arm. “Aggressive.” When I see her look over my shoulder at the abandoned food I smile. “Hungry?”
“Sit, I’ll finish this.”
“I’m going to properly greet Nathan and my beautiful God babies. You make us all some delicious food.”
I kind of wish I’d planned for something better than just bacon sandwiches, though the bread is homemade so it’s not a complete shame and I just know Sasha will enjoy it regardless. She’s a greedy bitch.
When I’ve served the food, Sasha and Nathan take their seats at the small, drop leaf table as I usher the kids to play. They’ve eaten theirs already.
“Nobody makes bacon like you,” Sasha groans and Nathan quickly quips, “She cooks it, she doesn’t make it. Pigs do that.”
The blank look she gives him has me stifling laughter with the back of my hand. I almost choke on the bread in my mouth.
“I’m guessing by the lack of ring, he has yet to propose,” I comment, bringing her face back to life as her eyes come to me.
“He will.” She sounds so sure that I really hope he does. I hope they’re both in the same place emotionally and mentally otherwise she’s going to be in for a world of hurt.
I’m being a pessimist.
It’s all of this drama and stress.
“How is everything going with you two anyway? Have you set a date yet?”
“No,” I say as Nathan says, “I’m trying.”
We fall into an awkward silence. I take Nathan’s hand over the table and give it a reassuring squeeze. It’ll happen; we just need to take our time with everything else first, especially now he’s opening a new store.
“How excited are you for Alton in August?” I’ve mastered the art of subject change.
Sasha’s frown is quickly flipped. “Literally I am dying. We’ve never done anything like this before because you’re always pregnant.”
“I am not.”
“Are too.”
“Well, no more for me. I’m done now. Time to focus on our futures and careers.”
Nathan nods. “For now anyway.”
Maybe one day we’ll have more, but it’s unlikely. We got lucky having one of each sex. Besides, until I’m certain that I can put both of them through college, I’m not even going to consider having any more. I know that Nathan feels the same… or am I being as blind as Sasha could be in regards to her marriage wishes?