Page 42 of Forever (Broken 3)
He hangs up before I can say anything else.
“Not Nathan then?”
I shake my head. “Apparently, I’m going to a restaurant opening night tonight.”
“When? You’re working until almost midnight.”
“I think it’s a during work time thing?” I’m still so confused.
Gwen: I miss you. :(
“Well, have fun.” Mum throws a small ball back to Dillan and he laughs when it bounces off his face.
“I shall, hopefully. I just need to find something to wear.”
“Wear that black dress that you wore to the store’s opening day. That was lovely.”
“It’s a bit windy for the skirt.” I look outside and try to get a reading on the crappy weather.
“You’ll be fine; you’ll be inside.”
“I hope.” I nod. “It still fits and it’s the only formal thing I own so… the dress wins.”
“See? I’m so clever.” Mum smiles and scrunches up her nose playfully. I roll my eyes lovingly and check my phone again. Still nothing. “Maybe his phone broke.”
“Maybe.” I know that’s not the case though as he knows my number off by heart. He’s just busy. Really busy. It has nothing to do with how distant he has been recently. Absolutely nothing.
I think back to before he left yesterday morning. It might be my increasing paranoia but I swear I walked in on him whispering down the phone to somebody. He was too quick to shut his phone away so I can’t be certain and I didn’t want to suddenly start accusing him. I know all too well how frustrating that can be.
It’s me. I need to reassess my mental health.
My phone rings again and this time I check it before jumping the gun.
Relief fills me like warm water in a ceramic mug when I see his handsome face light up the screen.
“Is your mum definitely coming today?” Are the first words he speaks upon my answering.
I want to snap at him for such a business-like approach to our first conversation in two days, but I think better of it. “She came early.”
“Good, I was worried.”
“No need.”
He falls silent but I can hear his steady breathing. “Are they okay?”
“They’re fine.”
“I can hear Emily singing to herself.”
“She does that.”
He chuckles. “I’ll be home tomorrow evening.”
Thank heavens. “Text me the garage details; I need to know where to take the car.”
“Will do.”
Will do?
“What are your plans for today?” I’m scraping at subjects now to gain his attention.
“You already know. Just store stuff.”
Store stuff? I knew he’d be doing ‘store stuff’ but I didn’t anticipate his tone or description to be so… unlike him.
“Right.” There’s a loud crash in the background. I don’t have to be looking at him to know he’s biting his lip.
“Honey, I have to go. I’ll call you later.”
Honey? “Honey?” I ask and the line goes dead.
Since when did Nathan start to use the endearment ‘honey’? When did he ever say ‘stuff’?
“You look troubled.” Mum shifts in her seat, her face awash with concern.
“I’m fine. I just heard a bang and he didn’t tell me what it was before hanging up.”
“Think he’s okay?”
“I don’t think he’s hurt but still…”
“He’ll call you back.”
“Yeah, he said he would.” My lies are so effortless I’m impressing myself.
His voice lingers in my mind, repeating the name “Honey” over and over again.
Who has been saying that enough for him to start repeating it so naturally?
“Okay, what is it? You look as though you’re about to cry.”
“I…” The lump in my throat swells. I try to swallow it down. “I just realised I don’t have any tights to go with my dress.”
My mother cackles so loudly Emily comes running to me, fear in her eyes. The lump in my throat vanishes as my baby girl whimpers into my neck.
Dillan, the little jokester that he is, thinks we’re laughing at something he did so he stands facing us, giggling his evil little boy giggle.
“Let’s go shopping then. Also… everyone knows you wear stockings, not tights. You’re not fourteen anymore.”
“Won’t they fall down though?”
Her smile turns into a look of shame. “You’re kidding?”
“Oh dear Lord, I didn’t raise you right.”
“I’ve been trying to tell you that for a while.”
“Cheeky,” she laughs and motions for Dillan to come to her. It takes a few goads but he finally does as he’s told and soon enough we’re on our way to our local shops to get me some stockings.
I’ve never felt so womanly or so sexy. I wish Nathan could be here to witness me in such a divine set of underwear.
I take a picture to show him later because I don’t think he’d believe me if I tried to describe it over the phone. I should send them to him but I want to see his face when he sees me like this.
Mum really knows what she’s talking about. I didn’t think she was that kind of lady.
I twist and turn in the mirror, admiring the way the lace knickers hang perfectly onto my curves without cutting into the flesh. The tan stockings tie to a lace belt that rests on my hips. I run my fingers across the top, tickling my own flesh gently. I wish Nathan’s hands could replace my own.