Page 61 of Forever (Broken 3)
“I’m looking forward to seeing your designs for this store. Are you following the same themes as the others? With the glass cabinets in the middle of the store? I love that.”
“Yes, but I’ve gone for a subtle grey with green accents this time. It’s far from done but I’m extremely excited for this project.”
“I can tell.” I place my hand on his thigh and his hand comes to rest on top. With my free hand I pull up the switch for the window and sigh happily when it rolls down, allowing a cool breeze to filter into the warm car. “Summer has been crap this year.”
“Agreed.” He brings my fingers to his lips and kisses just below the knuckles. “Hopefully today will stay warm.”
“Agreed,” I mimic, beaming from ear to ear. “We’re going to Southend, right?”
“Yeah, the store is facing the beach.”
“How wonderful! You should do mermaid charms.” I sigh wistfully but scowl when he snorts as if my mermaid charms are silly. “What? Everyone loves mermaids.”
“You’re so weird.”
I poke my tongue out at him and turn the radio up, only amusing him further.
We both get peckish on the way and stop to pick up some chips from a popular chippy on the way to Nathan’s store. Long ago seems the time that Nathan wouldn’t allow me to eat in the car; it still makes him nervous but he gets over it.
Gwen: Are they being good? Thank you so much for this! <3Sasha doesn’t respond which surprisingly doesn’t worry me. I trust her and Tommy. They’re so good with the kids and the kids love them to pieces.I wonder if Nathan has put any more thought into who we’re going to leave them with, worst case scenario. We really should get life insurance. As morbid as my thoughts are, I just feel as though I can’t sleep soundly until this is sorted.“We’re almost there.” Nathan’s soft voice carries over the noise of the ocean waves splashing against the shore. It’s a gentle day but the sea is powerful.I run my hands through my hair and try to stretch as best as I can in the confines of the car. My body aches from being sat for so long.“Here we are,” he states, slowing down to find a parking space. “There’s a private allotment around the back but it has a trailer and a ton of junk. I want to buy it, clear it and turn it into a little car park.”“Good plan,” I say, relieved when he pulls up only two stores down from his. It’s rare that we’d find such a great parking space so close to the beach. “Though I’m sure people would use it to go shopping elsewhere.”“That’s my concern.” He holds up his hand when I place mine on the door handle. His smile is entirely sweet and makes me feel warm inside. “Please, allow me.”I release my hold of the handle and wait for him to exit the vehicle and come around it, purely to open the door for me.“You’re so cute,” I giggle as I take his hand and slowly allow my cramped body to exit the vehicle.Growling, and glowing with mirth, he tugs my body to his and presses his lips harshly to my own. It’s brief but it’s powerful enough to light a fire within my body that can only be doused by his body on mine.“Let’s go.” His leather clad fingers entwine with mine and pull me towards his store. I notice immediately what I didn’t notice before.“New windows?”“Yes, extra security.” He knocks his fingers against the glass.“The outside is nice. I love the bay windows. It’ll make for a great display.” I inhale sharply as another thought comes to mind. “Can you imagine it all lit up at Christmas? It’ll look like something out of a movie!”My excitement is making him happy, I can tell.We enter the store through the slightly open door and I immediately hear a jigsaw as the scent of burning wood fills my lungs. I tense. The burning feeling in my throat as my lungs constrict to protect themselves from the intrusion brings back painful memories. Nathan seems affected too as he sighs with relief when the noise stops and we’re greeted by a large man in overalls, boots, safety glasses over his eyes and a white mask over his face.“Sorry, boss.” He looks apologetically at us both. “I totally underestimated the speed of time.”“No problem.”I’m assuming Nathan warned him to not do any cutting while we are visiting. For this I’m relieved.“How’s it going?” I ask before Nathan does.“Great actually. The lads have gone on their break; I’m keeping watch and keeping busy,” the tall, stocky man says and I see his eyes crinkle with a smile hidden by the mask. “I’m Carl by the way. I’d shake your hand but…” He shows me his blackened, dusty hand and shrugs a sorry.