Page 79 of Forever (Broken 3)
Jeanine: Of course, is everything okay?
Gwen: It could be better. Shall I bring them to you and pick them up the next morning or would you like to come here? I really appreciate it. I owe you so much.
Jeanine: Not at all. Bring them to me. I’ll take those little beauties out for the day. Don’t you worry about a thing.
Gwen: Thank you so much; you’re the best.
Jeanine: I know ;)
A weight has lifted now that I’m sorted for work tomorrow. Thankfully. It’s a question of what else I’m going to do until this is resolved that has me worried.
I don’t want to keep the kids from their father but until his head is sorted, it’s probably best that he remains absent for a while. When he’s in a better frame of mind I know he’ll understand.
I am just so sorry that it has come to this.
Chapter Twenty-One
“It’s so good to see you.” Jeanine hugs me tight, her arms around me and Emily who tries to push her away in protest.
“You too,” I grin, though it falls flat. I didn’t sleep well last night and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. Jeanine looks at me with concern, her warm eyes help to alleviate the tension I feel.
“What’s wrong?” She asks and I shake my head to alleviate the throbbing in my throat. Sensing my need to take a moment, she removes Emily from my arms and ushers Dillan into the room.
“You have a full house,” I grin, waving to her daughter Jennifer and her son Tyler. “How are you, Jen?”
“I’m great, thank you, yourself?”
She smiles a smile so similar to her mother’s and takes the toy train Dillan hands to her. “Do you want to play?”
“Would you mind keeping an eye on the kids while I help Gwen with her things?” Jeanine asks quietly, her soft hand on my arm.
“I can help and you stay?” Jen suggests but Jeanine waves her off and replies, “Not at all. We have much to discuss, two birds one stone.”
“Go ahead then. These little cuties will be fine with Tyler and I, won’t you?”
My kids ignore her, far too enthralled by the many toys available. Jen and I share a smile before I exit the room after her mother.
“Okay, let’s get their stuff from the car.” Jeanine follows me to the boot and helps me lift their individual backpacks and double buggy out. “Now, let’s dump this in the hallway and you can follow me into the kitchen for what looks like a well needed cup of coffee.”
“Thank you.”
“So, what’s happened?”
“What didn’t happen would be a shorter list.”
“Oh dear.” We place the bags and cot at the bottom of the stairs. “Come on, let’s boil that kettle.”
“Sounds great.” I find a seat at the round wooden table in her kitchen and turn a chair to face her. “Nathan has left.”
The spoon in her hand clatters onto the worktop and she spins to face me. Nothing but the sound of the kettle hissing as it heats can be heard in the stillness of the kitchen.
“I made him leave,” I clarify so she doesn’t think it was all his fault. “And I don’t think he’s going to be coming back for anything other than to be a father and at the moment, even that hangs in the balance.”
“Oh good lord! What on earth has happened?”
My eyes burn, familiar tears threatening to spill over my cheeks. “It’s complicated.”
“When isn’t a break up complicated?” She turns to the cupboards and pulls out two cups from the one by her head. When she turns back to me I see the sadness in her eyes. “You both love each other so much.”
“I know. He’s changed,” I whisper, wishing I never had to say the words out loud. “His insecurities are too hard to penetrate and he won’t even let me try. All he does is lie to me.”
“Well that just won’t do.”
“No it really won’t.”
“Is he going through something? Depression perhaps?”
I shrug. “Maybe, I’m not sure. He won’t talk to me and he won’t seek help. Well not from anybody but his mother anyway.”
“His mother?” She squawks, looking as shocked as I did when I first found out about their secret outings.
Nodding, I watch as she stirs the drinks and adds milk. “Like I said, it’s complicated.”
“It sounds it. Do you want to tell me more?”
“I do, oh how I want to just let everything off my chest…” A ragged sigh leaves me and even though my chest deflates it feels as though a weight is pressing on it. “I can’t. He’d never forgive me if I were to bare his secrets, even to you.”
“That is something I understand.” She hands me my drink and places a gentle touch to my shoulder. “It’ll all work out, you’ll see.”
“I sure hope you’re right.”
“It will; you’ve been through worse.”