Page 8 of Forever (Broken 3)
“Inside this kitchen I’m not your friend. I am not your husband’s friend. I don’t know you beyond this kitchen while I’m in this kitchen. So when I yell at you,” his hands continue to move mine, carefully chopping the potato, “nothing is personal; everything is professional. I tell this to all of my staff and I stand by it. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Chef.”
“There will be no personal arguments that don’t involve this kitchen within a mile radius of this kitchen.”
“Y…yes Chef.”
“There will be no flirting or chatting with other members of this kitchen, unless on break, and even then no personal attachments will be formed.” He barks, slicing the final slice of the potato. I feel its moist smooth texture under my fingers. “There will be no meeting outside of work. I want no drama brought into this kitchen. Human nature forces us to act like fools when angry at another. Do you understand?”
“I think so.” I clear my throat and wet my lips that have dried from the nerves.
“You think so?” His tone is high, disbelieving. “You only think you understand?”
“No,” I quickly correct. “I understand, Chef.”
“Good, then fucking say that next time.” He releases me. “Keep cutting those very same sizes. You were paying attention, weren’t you?”
“Hard not to when you’re trying to step into my body, Chef.” I remark and his answering chuckle surprises me.
“Good. There may be hope for you yet. Now chop.”
Chapter Three
The sun is lightening the sky when I finally make it home. It’s almost five in the morning and even at such an hour, the traffic in London can be a battle.
Quietly and slowly I unlock the front door and head inside. It’s dark save for the small lights on the wall, dimly lighting my path.
I can’t recall a time I’ve ever come home to a sleeping Nathan. It’s surreal.
He looks so peaceful. I almost daren’t undress in case I wake him, but somehow I manage it. Once I’m stripped to skin, I sit on the bed and kiss his temple. He rests on his stomach, his arm hugging the underside of his pillow. His lips are smushed to the shape of a wonky heart. I kiss the corner and run my fingertips down his arm.
Not a single ounce of me recalls falling asleep. When I finally awake at noon the next day, it’s to find a note on the side that reads:
‘Taken the kids to the store. I didn’t want to wake you. Sleep well; call me when you’re up. I miss you.’
x N x
Smiling, I quickly tie my hair back and seek out my bag and phone. My body aches badly from the day before. I try to focus on the silver lining – all of the weight I’ll be losing and muscle I’ll be toning.
Unfortunately, due to being so bloody tired when I arrived home, I didn’t put my phone on charge, so in order to use it I have to stand by the plug. This means I can’t cook and talk at the same time and I am famished, but my partner means more to me than my stomach so calling him wins.
The second my phone turns on it rings. My mum’s face and number light up the screen. I contemplate disconnecting but I owe her a call.
“How is it going? Is it marvellous? Are you learning a lot?” She jabbers, hardly pausing in between each question. “I’ve been trying to call you all morning…”
“I was sleeping,” I explain, smiling at the franticness with which she’s speaking. “Late night last night; yes it’s marvellous; it’s hard, but I’m learning.”
“Do you need me to come and stay for a while? Help you with the kids?”
“No, we’re good. We’ll save that token for when we’re desperate.” My mum would come to us at the drop of a hat, but she only gets so much time off work. I’d never force her to use her holiday time if I weren’t desperate. We’re lucky to have her.
“You should consider hiring a nanny.”
“Nathan is certain he can cope and he’s doing amazing so far.”
“So far.” She emphasises the words. “It’s only day two.”
“Ye of little faith.” My smile becomes a frown. “Don’t be so negative.”
“Sorry, I don’t mean to be. I miss you guys.”
My smile returns and so does the softness in my voice. “We miss you too. Emily can say ‘Nana’ now. She sees your pictures and videos and her face lights up.”
“Good. Kiss those chubby cheeks for me.”
“I will but I have to go. I need to call Nathan.”
“Where is he?”
“At the store most probably. He loves taking the kids there. The customers love it.” I check my phone as it vibrates with each incoming message I’ve received during the time it has been switched off. “I’ll call you later. I love you.”