Page 95 of Forever (Broken 3)
“I agree. She’s been here more times than I can count.”
“I just… Go. She’ll be fine.”
“You sure?” I ask cautiously. “You sure you’re sure?”
He chuckles quietly. “I’m sure. I’ll video call her. It’ll be fine. Good luck.”
When I re-enter the room I pick up Emily and kiss her cheek. Then I gather the courage to finally ask Patricia, “Are you sure you don’t mind?”
Her face lights up so bright it warms my heart. “I could never mind.” When her eyes begin to glisten with tears, I shuffle uncomfortably on the spot and nuzzle Emily to divert my attention. “This means a lot. Too much.”
Too much? “I hopefully won’t be too long. Nathan said he’s going to video call you at some point.”
“That’s fine, go. All will be perfect. You will see.”
And leave I do, my heart beating rapidly and my legs carrying me faster than they ever have.
When I return, my stomach cramping and aching in an awful way, I stagger into the toilet and vomit almost immediately.
“Oh my goodness, Gwen, are you alright?” Patricia raps on the bathroom door.
“That was the worst experience of my life,” I whimper, recalling the aching pain as the coil was inserted. The cramps are making it so hard to see straight. I hurt.
“I’ll make you some peppermint tea.”
“Are they okay?” I yell, as she descends the stairs.
“They are fine. Emily is napping on the couch,” she calls back, only just loud enough for me to hear.
I’m relieved they’re all okay but deep down I knew they would be or I would never have walked out of that door. I kind of wish I hadn’t walked through that door. My stomach hurts so badly. The procedure itself wasn’t terrible – it hurt but not like I imagined – it’s the after cramps. I feel so achy and drained. The doctor said it’ll go away after a good sleep. I sure hope she’s right.
“What happened? You look ghastly.”
Ghastly? That’s a word you don’t hear every day. She’s right though, I look as white as a sheet and probably shiny too after splashing my face with cool water and not having the energy to dry it properly afterwards.
“Should I call Nathan?”
“No.” I shakily lower myself onto the couch behind Emily and tuck her into my side. “My stomach hurts so badly.”
“I’m not surprised. What did you get? That awful T shaped thing they insert into your lady parts?”
Lady parts? Snort. “Yeah, it’ll be worth it. No more horrible chemicals and even worse hormonal spats to contend with.”
The kettle boils and Patricia leaves the room once more, returning a few minutes later with a pleasant smelling peppermint tea, the bag still in the water.
“I added a sugar.”
“Thank you.” I wait for her to place it on the smaller table by the couch before reaching for a handle, reaching my body far over Emily’s and taking a small sip. “That’s perfect.”
“I know my time is almost at an end but I’d feel terrible leaving you in your condition.”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine,” I wave her off and shut my eyes, praying that Dillan doesn’t start climbing all over me.
“I doubt it and I shan’t risk it. If it’s alright, I’ll stay and keep an eye on the kids while you rest.”
Who is this wonderful woman and where did she come from? “Thank you, Patricia.”
“It’s no bother. Close your eyes and sleep. I’ll fetch you a blanket.”
A soft, warm hand touches my forehead followed by even softer lips.
“You smell good,” I whisper, reaching for Nathan as he lifts me from the sofa and into his arms. “I’m heavy.”
“This brings back memories.” I hear the smile in his voice. “That night you stayed in the house, back when you were pregnant with Dillan. I found you asleep on the sofa.”
“I remember vaguely,” I murmur. My eyes won’t open. “My stomach still hurts. What time is it?”
“Bed time. You missed work.”
“What?” I jolt as he carries me up the stairs.
“It’s okay, I spoke to Harold. He understands it can’t be helped.”
My eyes peel open though the light hurts so I shut them immediately. “I think I’m getting ill.”
“I think you’re just exhausted.” He lowers me onto the mattress and begins to help me out of my clothes. “I called the doctor and she said this is normal for some people. You just need rest and to check the strings in the morning, whatever that means.”
“Right.” I raise the top half of my body so he can help me out of my top and bra. “Where are the babies?”
“Sleeping. Like I said, it’s late. My mother was putting them to bed just as I got home.”
“Oh my god, now I feel bad.”
“It’s fine.” He lowers me down and tucks the blanket up to my chin. “She said you were dead to the world.”