Page 32 of Summer Swoon
“So,it’s been a few weeks now. How are things going withMax?”
Anjannette dragged out the name, turning the single syllable into three.
“Things are great. We’re having a good time.”
“And the book?” Keera asked.
“I’m happy to say the words have been flowing. I just passed the halfway point this morning.”
Keera screeched and clapped her hands.
“I told you getting the juices flowing would help,” Sophie said.
I rolled my eyes.
“Well, I guess I can’t argue with you since I literally started this book the night after Max and I had sex for the first time.”
“So what have you guys been doing? Besides boning.” Keera asked.
“Boning?” I snort-laughed. “I haven’t heard that word since high school.”
“It’s retro.” She shrugged. “And just answer the question.”
“We’ve just been doing regular date stuff. You know, dinner, hiking, walks on the beach. Tomorrow night we’re having dinner and watching a movie at his place.”
“Ooh, a Netflix and chill night,” Anjannette said.
“I’ve used that term in my books, but didn’t even realize that’s what we’d be doing. Now I’m even more excited about the date. I’ll be checking an item off my bucket list I didn’t even know was on there.”
“You know, as much as I miss you, I’m so happy you went to Seaside. Even through my crappy computer, I can see how good it’s been for you. You’re totally glowing,” Keera said. “And I swear it has nothing to do with the fact that you’re writing again.”
She drew a cross over her heart with her fingers as she said that last sentence.
“What does Aunt Winnie think about you and Max canoodling?” Sophie asked.
“In true Aunt Winnie fashion, she thinks it’s wonderful. I told you, she was lobbying for us to get together from the start.”
“What about Grace?” Anjannette asked.
“I haven’t told her.”
“Are you going to?”
“Probably not.” I scrunched my nose. “I don’t think I need to, do you?” Before they could answer, I continued. “I mean, I’ll be back in Scranton at the end of the summer so it’s not like this can go anywhere.”
Even though that thought has been in the back of my mind since Max and I got involved, somehow saying it out loud makes it more real. And more depressing.
“You never know. Things always work out in our novels. Maybe real life will mimic our art,” Sophie said.
“You might want to at least casually mention Max to Grace just in case he ends up being her step-daddy.” Keera bobbed her eyebrows.
I rolled my eyes.
“Now you’re getting way ahead of yourself,” I said. “Besides, Grace isn’t telling me about the boys she’s dating out in England.”