Page 38 of Summer Swoon
Maxand I walked through the farmer’s market hand-in-hand. The weather is perfect to spend outside, which is good because we’re here now then heading to the music festival for the rest of the day.
“This is bigger than I thought it’d be,” I said.
“It’s definitely grown over the years.” He gestured to the right. “Winnie’s down that way.”
I turned and we followed the makeshift road, stopping at various vendors along the way. The temptation to buy all the things was strong, but I restrained myself. I don’t want to have to lug tons of stuff on the plane. I’ve been collecting business cards along the way from people who have online stores so I can order once I get home.
“I may buy some things and just ship them before I leave.” I shrugged. “It’s nice hand picking items instead of ordering them from a website.”
We approached a booth of organic lotions. I picked up a bottle that I recognized.
“Aunt Winnie made me a welcome basket and this is in it. It smells amazing.”
I popped open the top and sniffed then held it out for Max to do the same.
“Mmm, that smells like you.” His smile was pure sin. “And I agree, it’s amazing.”
Since I’ve been slathering myself with it after every shower, it makes sense that he’d recognize the scent.
“I’m going to grab this, I'm almost out.”
“It’s on me.” Max took the bottle out of my hand. “After all, it brings me so much pleasure.”
He leaned down and brushed his mouth against mine before stepping over to pay.
“Excuse me.” I turned toward the voice. “Aren’t you Everly Reese?”
“Yes.” I’d raised my voice at the end of the word, turning it into a question, so I added more confidently, “Yes I am.”
“Oh my God! I can’t believe I’m meeting you.” She shook my hand and held on as she continued. “You’re my favorite author. I’ve read every single one of your books, some multiple times. Ican’t waitfor the new release in a couple weeks.”
She finally paused for a breath so I took the opportunity to jump in.
“I’m so glad you enjoy my books. What’s your name?”
“Mona.” She’d never released my hand and started shaking it again. “Mona Potter.”
“It’s nice to meet you.”
“Oh my God. I still can’t believe this.”
I felt Max return to my side and introduced him. He must have overheard our conversation, because as he shook her hand, he said, “So you’re a big fan of Everly’s?”
“I am,” she said. “Anytime I see a book signing, I always check to see if you’ll be there in hopes that I could meet you.”
“I’m sorry. I haven’t done signings in years.”
At the beginning of my career, I did some signings, mostly connected to writers’ conferences I attended. Now I do signed paperback sales a couple times a year instead.
We chatted for a few more minutes, mostly about my books and Mona’s love of them. But she also mentioned how happy she is to see I’ve moved on from my divorce with a “nice, hot boyfriend.”
“Email me your information and I’ll send you an ARC of the new book.”
She screeched, drawing the attention of several people walking by. They continued moving when they realized nothing bad was happening.