Page 57 of Summer Swoon
“I’m so happy you decided to make a change.” Releasing me, she added, “You’re beautiful inside and out and some day you’ll meet a man who recognizes that and will treat you like the goddess you are.”
“Say that louder for the universe to hear.”
My phone buzzed and I cringed when I saw my sister’s face pop up on the screen. I thought about ignoring the call, but that would only delay the inevitable.
“How’s my favorite sister today?”
“I’m youronlysister and I'm pissed,” she said, then added, “At you.” As if there was any question.
No use pretending I don’t know what she’s talking about.
“Shannon, I took Andi out to dinner then dropped her off at the hotel. I don’t know what else you expected to happen.”
“Iexpectedyou to give the date a chance. She said you barely spoke and when you did, you gave one or two word answers.”
“I did give it a chance,” I said.
“By sitting there silent and just nodding like an idiot?”
I closed my laptop and shifted forward to set it on the coffee table. Resting my elbows on my knees, I told her my side of the story.
“I got a few words in at the beginning, but once I asked about her job, she barely stopped talking to breathe. So instead of interrupting, I just listened and nodded.”
“It couldn’t have been that bad.”
“Do you want me to tell you about the designers she’s worked with, items of clothing she’s worn, and which makeup she prefers?” That question was met with silence so I’m guessing Shannon has experienced similar conversations with Andi. But since she’s being quiet, I figured I'd drive my point home. “I could also tell you which photographers are her favorite, although by that point, I was only half listening so I won’t be as detailed.”
I heard a long sigh and I sat back waiting for my sister to speak.
“Did you like her at all?”
“I didn’tdislikeher, but she’s not someone I’d want to date.”
“Just because of the talking?”
“Honestly, we don’t have anything in common.”
“Okay, no Andi,” she said. “But I do have someone else in mind that I think you’ll connect with better.”
My sister is a makeup artist for some of the most prestigious photographers in Manhattan so she has a never-ending supply of beautiful women at her disposal.
“I appreciate the thought, but I’m good. Besides, people will start avoiding you if they think you’re going to hit them up to go on a date with your nerdy brother.”
“My friends think you’re adorable and would jump at the chance to date you.”
“I seriously doubt that.”
“Why not? Nerds are in you know,” she added with a chuckle.
Penny and Leonard end up together onThe Big Bang Theory,but chances are, they’d crash and burn in the real world. There are exceptions of course, but my experience has taught me that the women my sister usually hangs out with and I just aren’t a good fit.
“We’re too different. Your friends are like you. None of them would be content doing the low-key things I enjoy and I definitely don’t fit in their world.”
“Relationships are about compromise. Look at mom and dad. They’re as opposite as can be and still make it work.”