Page 47 of P.S. I Loathe You
Me:Thought you might want to know I heard back from Emma this morning. We’re meeting up for coffee tomorrow
Wes Holt:You don’t drink coffee…
Me:I’m sure the cafe will serve other beverages??
Wes Holt:Are you going to tell her about our fun new hobby? Just want to be prepared
Me:That’d be an interesting conversation. “Hey, Em, remember how you always wanted me to try to get along better with your brother? Well, you’ll be happy to know we’ve finally found some common ground.”
Wes Holt:Common ground indeed. Who knew all it would take for us to get along was for me to put my cock in you? Should have done it years ago!
I let out a sputtering chuckle, almost losing my balance and toppling into another businessman on the crowded Metro. He casts me a disapproving look, which I return with a contrite nod.“Pardon.”
Me:While I was planning to marry your sister? That wouldn’t have been inappropriate at all…
Wes Holt:Fair. Although I’m pretty sure you’d have taken one look at my cock and called the wedding off. No one could resist something so magnificent!
Me:Your obsession with your own dick is unhealthy
Wes Holt:Your attempt at indifference would be more believable if you weren’t begging for it basically 24/7??
Wes Holt:Why don’t you put that finger to use and make me a video I can wank to?
Me:As much as I’d LOVE to be your personal porn star, I’m currently on the Metro. Pretty sure I’d be arrested for something like that
Wes Holt:Kinky??
Wes Holt:Later then. I’ll be waiting…
Me:Some of us actually have to work today??
Wes Holt:I’m some of us. I’m working right now
Me:How are you texting if you’re working?
Wes Holt:Text to Voice
Me:Wait…you’re playing this conversation out loud? In front of a client?
Wes Holt:Yep. His name is Tony. He says hi.
Wes Holt:It’s cool. Tony’s not going to say anything. This room is like a vault.
Me:You’re not a fucking doctor, Wes. There’s no tattoo artist-client confidentiality clause.
Wes Holt:Not officially, but it’s like a code. What you hear in this room stays in this room.
Wes Holt:Besides, it’s not like you and Tony run in the same circles. Unless you’ve been living a secret life as a member of the Queen’s Bandits MC? In which case I have follow-up questions.
Wonderful. Wes’s client is in a biker gang. That’s reassuring. The train comes to a halt, and I glance up to see we’ve reached my station.