Page 1 of Dark Ink
Chapter 1
My superpower is surviving. Like a weed that can’t be properly removed, I continue to hold on to the cracks of life. While beautiful flowers wilt and disappear around me, I remain. Alone and ever vigilant for the hand that will pull me out; ripping my weak roots and tossing me to one side. Forcing me again in my most natural state—survival.
With these thoughts at the back of my mind, I walk toward the man who just entered Love and Err. He doesn’t look like he belongs, and as the club manager, it is my duty to either make him feel welcome or show him the door. Twice my size, the man’s face is red and sweaty.
“Can I help you?” I ask him, trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice. It’s two in the morning, almost time to close up the bar, and I left my customary vodka shot behind. Interrupted rituals make me cranky.
“I’m here to see a girl.” He scratches his forehead, his receding hairline moving along with his fingers. He must be around my age, early thirties.
“Is she expecting you?” It’s a redundant question. Love and Err is not a brothel. Whoever wants to book a private room has to go through our bespoke booking system. Everyone has to identify themselves.
“I know she’s here. She told me she would love to see me sometime, so here I am.” A bead of sweat rolls down his face and drops on the collar of his camo puffy jacket. Love and Err is a nudity-positive environment, which means people can walk around in their underwear or fetish wear if they want to. It’s always toasty here. I love it.
“What is her name?” I look to one side. The two security guys, new recruits from Sophie’s gang, are chatting peacefully near the entrance to the first floor. They don’t need to be on high alert because we don’t usually get trouble here. After The Jesters were dealt with a few months ago, everyone and their grandma know this place has some strong people backing it. No one justwalks in.
Except for this guy.
“Angel,” he says. “Anger98 on Chaturbate.”
“Ah, I see.” I plaster on a sharp smile. “Did you donate to her stream?”
He nods.
“And she thanked you and told you she would be happy to see you sometime?”
“Yes, so I’m here. I know she streams from here. I recognized the wallpaper from your website.”
“Let me check for you,” I say and point to a chair. “Have a seat.”
“Do you interrogate all your customers this way?” He scowls but sits down.
He’s not a customer, so I ignore his question and go to the bar.
“Problems?” Luisa, our barmaid, asks.
“No. I’ll deal with it. Is Angel still upstairs doing her webcam thing?” I nod toward the computer behind the bar.
She taps at the screen a few times. “Yep, booked for the whole night. Note says ‘streaming until three a.m., then shower and sleep’. Doesn’t sound like she’s expecting anyone.”
I shake my head. Damn these men who think they are owed something just because they threw some money around. My hand glides across the smooth bar surface.
“Hey, where’s my shot?” I frown.
“I put it in the fridge. Last week, you told me not to give it to you until your work is done.” Luisa shoots me a devilish smile. “Only following your instructions, boss.”
I sigh. “Fine. I’ll deal with this guy and have my well-earned shot. Perfect days don’t exist.”
I breathe in, taking comfort in the muted light and familiar surroundings. Will he go quietly? I glance at the security guards, who’ve stopped talking and are now looking at me. I shake my head. I can do this on my own. What’s the worst that can happen? I’ll survive.
“Sir, Angel isn’t expecting anyone at the moment. She will message you privately if she wants to arrange something offline.” I’m smiling my most accommodating customer service smile.
“But she said she wanted to see me. Why can’t it be now?” He shifts in his chair. Sweat glistens on his upper lip and I concentrate hard to keep mine from twitching. The thought of all the moist parts under his clothes makes my stomach turn.
“Do you have a favorite celebrity?” I ask.
He seems surprised by the change of subject. “Yeah. Megan Fox.”
“Okay, if you were watching Megan Fox live and she said she loves meeting fans, would you show up on her doorstep?”