Page 47 of Dark Ink
“Can all staff report to the lounge for a briefing?” I say into the sound system that connects all rooms in Lavender. There won’t be many staff at all at this time; we’re not open for customers yet.
“Thank you,” Tanya says, her voice much softer. “I’ll go check that there’s no one left behind.”
She turns to leave, but I catch her thin wrist, wrapping my fingers around her warm skin and feeling her racing pulse.
“Don’t make me regret siding with you,” I whisper. “You will get only half an hour to do what you want. After that, I won’t hold the staff any longer. I’m going back to being neutral.”
“Of course,” she replies, gently removing her wrist from my grip. I feel the absence of her touch immediately and sigh.
As staff shuffle into the bar lounge, I slip all of my noisy jewelry from my arms and fingers and walk around the bar.
“I will be with you in a moment,” I say to the room and dash after Tanya.
It’s time to run away and leave the gangs to fight it out. I’m leaving, and I’m grabbing Tanya with me.
Things didn’t go according to plan. After I rushed out of Lavender, I saw Tanya sneak into Valerie’s car just before she drove off. So I did what any lovestruck fool would do in this situation—I jumped in my car and followed them.
Now I’m weaving through traffic, trying to make myself blend into the background. The morning rush is over, so there’s not much to work with. In any case, my gray Impala is perfect for this—I’ve already seen three like it in our lane.
I squint, my gaze diving inside Valerie’s SUV. She’s alone, which means Tanya is still hiding in the back seat.
After we turn at an intersection, the scene changes. Tanya holds a gun to Valerie’s face. Where did she get a gun? When? Why?
She lowers it, and Valerie suddenly hits the gas. I do the same, doing my best not to lose them. She takes a sharp turn, then drives calmer. I’m a decent driver, but tailing someone is fucking stressful. I’m trying to do it without raising suspicion and without committing any driving offenses.
As I relax and think we’re going somewhere out of town, Valerie turns to a property with a big ‘No Trespassing’ sign. Ahead are the abandoned grain silos, a place where vandals and urban tourists both feel at home, and I very much don’t.
What are we doing here? The question feels like poison in my mind. As I stop behind them, my car partially hidden behind a bush, I know why. This place reminds me of an execution ground. It’s quiet, empty, and imposing. It’s dusty, dirty, and suspended in time.
Surely Tanya wouldn’t bring Valerie here to kill her? I swallow hard as I watch them shuffle out of the SUV, Tanya still holding the gun to Valerie’s side.
Don’t be stupid, Ben.Tanya is part of a gang. I’m part of a gang. Valerie is part of a gang. And killing is part of any and every gang.
Valerie’s removal would destabilize The Jesters and give an advantage to The Deck. I bite on my cheek while I follow Tanya and Valerie, all of us trespassing like it’s nothing.
It’s okay.I know Tanya. She’s a survivor, a protector, and a fierce woman. Even in Lavender’s horrible situation, she never gave up. Whatever she’s about to do here, her reason is good enough.
And my being here? I’m here for her. If she wobbles, I will be here to catch her. This is the only way I can have my cake and eat it too.
While I was justifying the whole situation in my head, Tanya and Valerie have stopped next to a service ladder and are arguing in hushed tones.
Their argument quickly escalates, and Valerie pushes Tanya, glaring daggers at her. I’m close enough to hear them now, having been slowly closing in, moving between shrubs, barrels, and abandoned boxes.
“So what, you’ll shoot me? You don’t have the guts to do it!” Valerie yells.
Tanya stumbles back from the push. Valerie sees a chance to escape and tackles Tanya. They both fall to the ground and struggle for possession of the gun. As it glints in the daylight, it looks to me like the safety is still on, but I can’t be sure.
Should I intervene?
Valerie manages to get on top of Tanya, hitting her in the jaw. Tanya grunts but doesn’t let go of the gun, slamming it instead in Valerie’s temple. Valerie sways, her hand shooting up to cradle her forehead. Tanya uses her arms and legs to push Valerie off her like an angry cat.
After rolling in the dirt, they both stand up on wobbly legs and face off again.
“Are you willing to risk it?” Tanya asks through labored breaths, once again pointing the gun at Valerie.
“The safety’s on, you idiot!” Valerie spits out.
Tanya’s face reddens, either from anger or embarrassment, and she runs toward Valerie, screaming her lungs out. A cloud of dust rises when they fall to the ground again.