Page 33 of The Vampire's Vow
Until he places his hand on the wall and it just … vanishes.
Beyond the opening is a winding stairway leading down into the depths, and I’m forced to follow Valentine down them. Thankfully, unlike the mansion, this underground stairway is lit.
I start to get nervous the further we descend and the air grows colder and colder around us. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, we’re met with a massive heavy metal door that looks like it belongs to an apocalyptic shelter.
Valentine grabs the circular handle and slowly twists it until there’s the sound of a seal popping. Pulling the door open, an icy fog pours out in thick clouds. I wrap the sheet tighter around me as Valentine turns to motion for me to enter first.
Whatever lies beyond is hidden in darkness, the heavy fog swirling around my ankles and clinging to my skin as I move.
My breath pours out of me in steamy rivulets. I can hear my blood pounding in my ears, my heart racing in my chest as I glance back at Valentine, terrified that he’ll slam the door shut and trap down here.
He stands in the doorway, his silhouette framed by the eerie light of the stairwell, but otherwise makes no move to do anything of the sort. Turning back toward the darkness again, I step to the edge of the light as I try to adjust my eyes to see further into the room.
Suddenly, Valentine hums a low melodic note, his voice echoing through the room like a siren’s call from deep below the waves. Gradually, the note changes, adding to the remnants of the last’s echo.
His voice is both beautiful, and terrifying, I can’t help the shivers that run up and down my spine as a soft blue glow slowly begins to bleed through the room.
As the glow becomes brighter, I gasp in horror, my eyes widening to take in the sight right before me.
Luci’s head hangs low, his wrists chained to the wall behind him as he kneels on both knees amidst the fog. He’s naked, his face and body bloodied and broken, and as far as I can tell … he’s not breathing.
“Magnificent specimen, isn’t he?” Valentine whispers over my shoulder, startling me.
“What did you do to him?” I ask, my voice catching in my throat.
“Only half of what he truly deserves.”
“Is he dead?”
Valentine chuckles at this.
“In some ways, yes, I suppose you could say that,” he muses.
I whirl on Valentine, glaring up at him, his face half hidden in shadow.
“What do you mean by that?! Is he dead or not?”
His grin widens, “Go touch him, and see for yourself.”
I frown up at him, my eyes searching his face in confusion before I turn back to face Luci. Steeling myself for courage, I walk over to him before lowering myself to kneel before him.
Reaching out a tentative hand, I cup my hand beneath his chin and tilt his face toward me. His skin is icy to the touch, his lips tinged blue, and not a single breath of steamy air trickles from his nose or mouth.
I pull back, my own blood running cold.
My heart races in my chest as I look for any sign of life in him, but find none. Frantically, I cup both sides of his face, forgetting the sheet as it slips from my body and floats to the floor beneath the fog.
I don’t know what’s come over me, or why I feel so worried about this man who’s nearly cost me everything, but I do.
Save him, Evelyn.
“Luci, you can’t die,” I breathe. “Do you hear me? You’re not allowed to die, Lucien!”
You can’t let him die. Do something, now!
Without thinking, I throw my arms around his neck, pulling my body flat against his. I gasp as, instantly, the chill of his body sucks the warmth from mine.
“Evelyn, enough of that!” Valentine shouts, but I only wrap my arms tighter around Luci.