Page 72 of The Vampire's Vow
“Evi!” Luci’s arm is around my waist, catching me just as the heel of my foot slips over the edge of the top stair. “Damn it. Evi, stay with me, okay? We’re going to get you help. You just need to stay with me a little longer.”
“I’m fine,” I say, brushing his words off with a wave of my hand even as he lifts me back into his arms.
“Where’s the evidence, Evi. Please.”
“Behind the desk. The panels. Like the ones in the mansion.”
Luci strides toward the office doors. Kicking them open with a vengeance, they slam against the walls as he hurries to set me down on one of the lounges.
I watch, half-aware as Luci runs his hands over the panels on the back walls, but nothing happens.
“Are you sure it was here, Evi?”
“Yes. You have to be gentle.”
Luci tries again, but still, nothing.
“Damn it,” Luci says turning to scan the room before crossing to one of the cases and smashing his fist through it.
He pulls out a dagger, but instantly drops it to the floor, hissing in pain as he shakes out his hand.
“What’s wrong?”
“I can’t touch it. Of course, Valentine would fill his office with all the things meant to kill him. I need something to get into that wall.”
He sighs, running a hand over his face as he tries to think.
“Let me try,” I say, though the effort to speak is almost too much.
“I don’t—” Luci starts to argue.
“Just let me try.”
Walking back to me, he lifts me into his arms before carrying me over to the back wall. Taking a deep breath, I reach out gently dragging my fingertips over the edge of the panel.
Nothing happens.
“It was worth a—”
Suddenly the panel pulls back, the same icy mist pouring out around us as Luci takes a step back. His eyes widening in horror.
“See,” I say, leaning my head against Luci’s chest.
“Holy hell,” he mumbles before sighing.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, looking up into his worried face.
“Evi, this … this isn’t enough evidence.”
“What?! How can this not be enough?”
“Because there’s no proof that he did this. For all I know … I could have done this.”
“Then it’s all over,” I whisper, my heart sinking in my chest. “Valentine’s going to kill Dante and Seven … and then he’s going to come back for us.”
Luci doesn’t say anything as he stares at the wall of heads, his expression hard.
“No, I won’t let that happen. I’m the one who screwed everything up. It’s time I paid the price for it.”