Page 46 of Love and Gravity
“And what do you promise me if I go?” Grace asked, crossing her arms to match her friend’s stance.
Lou rolled her eyes and blew out an exasperated sigh before she held up a hand. “I swear not to build technology that I intend to use for selfish gain,” she said. “I won’t even go near Beta while you’re out.”
“Betsy,” Grace corrected, and then she nodded at her friend. “Keep going. What else are you not going to do?”
“Fiiiine,” Lou said, the sound making Grace laugh and Anton take a step back. “I promise not to break rules three through seven of our science no-go list.”
“See what I mean about her? We are about this close,” Grace said, pinching her fingers together, “from her trying to take over the world.”
Lou sniffed. “I’d be a fair ruler.”
“You once threatened to build a shrink ray,” Grace reminded her.
“That was one time!” Lou exclaimed, holding up one finger to make her point. “One time, okay?”
“Uh-huh.” Grace put her hands on her hips and looked back at Anton. She wanted to go to brunch, but if she did she ran the risk of coming back to mayhem and a destroyed lab… But then again, she’d left Lou alone before and things had been fine. But that also hadn’t been on the brink of a Lab War.
How was this even her life?
Didn’t these people have degrees, like several high level degrees to be like this? It had to be the fact that they didn’t have normal childhoods or…she didn’t know, something like that. They were feeding their inner child right now and she was bearing the brunt of it.
“I want you to go have fun. We can even put Elisha in charge, if you want.”
Grace balked. “How does that make things any better for my peace of mind? She’s even worse than you.”
“I have a solution,” Anton piped up, cell phone in his hand. “I know a fearsome warrior up to the task of ensuring law and order in these labs.”
“Oh?” Grace said. “Who? I want to immediately befriend them.”
“I get no respect around here,” Lou muttered. “You threaten to build one tiny little shrink ray and you never live it down.”
“Get your person here and fast,” Grace said to Anton.
“She’s already here.” Anton nodded at his assistant, who breezed into the lab with an almost bored look on her face.
“Are these the science people I’m watching?” Mindy asked.
Anton nodded and pointed a finger at Lou. “Yes, and the tiny one is the worst. Eyes on her at all times. Don’t be fooled by her dainty appearance. She’s stronger than she looks.”
“Excuse me? Technically, the science people are them,not me,” Lou told Mindy. “I’m the boss. You know that. Youknowme, Mindy.”
Mindy gave Lou a raised eyebrow. “I do, and I know you’re trouble.”
Lou spluttered while Grace gave Mindy an approving look. “Watch her at all costs. She has plans to be a supervillain.”
“Got it.” Mindy nodded and made a note on her tablet. “Lou is evil and requires supervision.”
“Precisely,” Grace said.
“That’s a gross exaggeration. Evil?” Lou threw up her hands. “I’m mischievous at best. Evil? No way. Mindy, you know me. You know I’m telling the truth.”
“Shrink ray, Lou.” Grace wagged a finger at her.
“That was one time!”
“I needphysics more than I need friends.”—J. Robert Oppenheimer