Page 6 of Love and Gravity
She pursed her lips. “I don’t have any fancy clothes. I’m always at the lab,” she said, looking down at her scuffed boots. They were utilitarian, but mostly they fit her style, which was slightly addled but adorably offbeat. Or, at least she liked to think of it that way. She favored snug denim and soft woven sweaters, well worn tees with her favorite bands on the front. That sort of thing.
It’s not like it had mattered all that much when it was just Lou and her doing science out in the middle of nowhere. Why change it if it wasn’t broken and all that. No one really looked at her, not if she kept the labs running smoothly, and kept Lou in line. She managed both well enough, which meant she could wear all the cardigans and Doc Martens she wanted.
That also meant she could dye her hair whatever color she wanted. It was pink these days. She liked how it brightened up her day. A woman could really only take so much gleaming stainless steel and white lab coats, you know?
“Grace, whatever clothes you wear will be fine.”
“But won’t the fancy schmancy restaurant have something to say about it? I’m not trying to be Pretty Woman’d here,” she told him.
“If they even give you a sideways look I’ll buy the place.”
Her mouth fell open. “Holy shit. You really did read that book.” She couldn’t even laugh off his comment, because she knew he was rich enough to do it. He didn’t act like it. He was as science obsessed as Lou was, which was…a lot. But the man had serious cash. Came from it too. He wasn’t just talking to talk. Anton could do it if he wanted to.
“Told you I got you the second one, Muñoz.” She could hear the smile in his voice and that made her smile.
“Now that move is definitely romancing me off my ass. Thank you.”
“Anytime,” he said and then cleared his throat. There was a pinging she could hear and then he sighed. “Listen, Grace. Gotta run. There’s…a situation, I think.”
His voice sounded different now. It was no longer playful, but tired. She frowned. “What’s going on?”
“Can’t explain now. It’s still evolving, but I’ll handle it.” She heard him get up, the thunk of his glass on a table, and she knew it was time to hang up. She felt a finger of disappointment move through her. It was normal when she had to get off the phone with Anton, but before her disappointment could set up house in her chest he went on talking, “Now I want you to think on where you want to go to dinner. Remember, quiet and fancy.”
“Yes, yes, and everyone had better mind their manners or you’ll raze it to the ground.”
“Now you’ve got it, sweetheart. Touch base soon.” And then the phone went dead and Grace fell back against the table, but this time it was because she was swooning. A real life romance swoon. She didn’t have a fainting couch, so her lab table would have to do.
He’d called her sweetheart.
“Hey, get off the table!” Lou’s voice shouted to her from the front of the lab. Grace shot up and saw Lou marching towards her with a glare. The look melted off her face when she saw it was Grace. “Oh, I thought it was one of the interns. You okay?”
“I’m fine.” Grace jackknifed up off the table and hopped down. She was smiling. Like, big smiling. She turned quickly when she saw Lou’s eyes light up.
“What’s going on?” her best friend and boss asked.
“Nada, boss lady.”
“If it’s nothing then why are you blushing?” She stepped closer, trying to get a look at Grace, but she dodged her friend.
“I’m not blushing,” Grace insisted. They might be best friends and had no secrets, but Grace didn’t know if she was ready to tell Lou about her newly realized crush and now date with Anton. It felt too new. Too…fragile. She didn’t really believe it had happened. She needed to sit with this for an hour. Maybe three. She’d finish her coffee and regroup. Tell Lou over lunch.
Yeah, that sounded good.
“You are.” Lou tapped her chin and gave her a shrewd look. “I thought you just fainted, maybe keeled over on the table or something, but you're blushing. You never blush.”
Grace rolled her eyes. “I blush. I’ll have you know I’m plenty maiden fair.
Lou scoffed and narrowed her eyes. “It’s a man. Spill.”
“I did faint. I’m running on three hours of sleep,” Grace said and jabbed a finger at the tray of coffees. “Drink caffeine.”
Lou didn’t look like she bought Grace’s lie. Not even a little. But she did cross her arms and come forward.
“Fine. But don’t think I’m letting this go, Gracie.”
Grace avoided her boss’ eyes, snagged her own mostly spilled cup of coffee, and kept walking.
“Shut up and drink your coffee.” She was halfway to her office when she heard Lou shout behind her.