Page 71 of Love and Gravity
He resisted the urge to pour himself another drink and rubbed a hand over his face. This was exactly what he got for rising to her bait. Geneva was supposed to be a place for him to recharge and get over RED’s theft, but what had he done?
Fallen for the first attractive, smart mouthed, dark-eyed woman who had a penchant for getting under his skin like it was in her job description.
Instead of heading back to the bedroom, he sank onto the leather couch and put his head in his hands. There needed to be a support group for how he felt. For people who had no experience with intimacy realizing they were heading toward—love.
He blanched at the thought, eyes going to the door again where Grace had gone. Suddenly his bedroom didn’t seem so safe and cozy, not when there was a woman behind it, capable of sending his world into a tailspin. He couldn’t go back in there.
Not now.
He settled himself further into the couch. If he wanted to do this right, then there was no rushing it. He would collect his thoughts, come up with a solid plan, and execute it to a T. But before that, he was going to rest his eyes.
Just a few minutes and…
The next time he opened his eyes it was to an annoyed(and cute, god help him)Grace, who glared down at him.
“Business call, huh?” she asked, hands on her hips.
“Uh…” Anton’s mind was blank except for one thought: She was angry at him, which was fair—and obvious, since he had fallen asleep on the couch.
“Uhh?” Grace parroted, one hip coming out in a pose he recognized from Mindy. It was the universal sign that she was pissed, and his brain shorted out. An angry girlfriend? He didn’t even know how to deal with a regular girlfriend. So, he panicked.
“Go away with me,” he blurted out, the words tumbling over one another so fast they gave him whiplash.
She blinked in surprise. “What? Away? Like, for the weekend?”
His head bobbed and he pushed himself up from the couch. “Yes. Away. Out of here for the weekend. Just the two of us. What do you think?”
Almost instantly she relaxed. “That could be fun,” she replied, a shy smile on her face.
His breath left him in a whoosh. He was forgiven for staying away last night, but he had also thrown away his master plan of keeping it cool in favor of making her happy. Where was he even going to take her? His mind skipped ahead, considering the details, but a second later his thoughts dissolved under the brightness of her smile.
“I think it could be really fun. I’m excited.” She darted forward, pressing a kiss against his cheek, and he almost groaned at himself.
He knew he was done for.
“If you do high-level science,everything is a challenge.” —Maria Leptin
“What do you mean you’re‘going away for the weekend’? Where? With whom?” Lou’s barrage of questions cracked through her apartment like a shot from the speaker of Grace’s cell phone.
Grace huffed out a sigh as she fixed herself a to-go mug of coffee.
She bit her lip. Would Anton want coffee? Would it be rude to not have a cup for him when he picked her up in half an hour? Jumping Jehoshaphat, what were the rules and regulations? When was she supposed to offer beverages? Did a trip out of the city count?
She shook her head and grabbed another to-go mug from her cupboard. Better safe than sorry. There was no reason for her not to bring him a cup, but what about snacks? Did that mean she needed to feed him?
She scrambled for her fridge in search of a snack that wouldn’t make her appear like an unsupervised pre-teen with a debit card. She had to have something nutritious, not covered in chocolate or cut into a dino shape.
So sue her, she liked a good Tyrannosaurus after a hard day, but who didn’t? On second thought, chocolate wouldn’t be so bad—she could work with chocolate. Chocolate was sexy, right?
“GRACIE?” Lou yelled from the phone, making Grace wince. She had forgotten about her best friend on speaker. Major oops.
Though, it was hard to stay focused when she was thinking about what was under Anton’s sweaters and perfectly tailored pants. She’d managed to get her hands on him last night, and all she could say was whoa mama.The man was toned and cut, which she had suspected from the fashionable stretch of his clothing. She would put money on the fact that he had a full gym in his lab he hit every day of the week.
There was no way Anton spent the hours in his lab, at least not like Lou had said…
Grace frowned. Lou…LOU!She had forgotten about Lou again!