Page 29 of Fighting Fate
Katie: LOL Thanks…
After a minute without another response from Amber, Katie shoved her phone back into her pocket and finished packing. All the while a little green monster pounded its fists against her ribs.
She should have gone. At this point, she would have gotten just as much work done as she was going to get done while taking care of Isaac. And with Amber, she wouldn't be struggling with all these crazy feelings she had around Isaac all the time.
It didn't make any difference what could have been. She'd made her choice and had to live with it. Make the best of it.
Katie's hand drew out a particularly scant pair of black lace panties.
She had no reason to pack them. Even if she wanted things to go in that direction with him, it couldn't while he was sick. And she'd leave the second he was well enough not to need her anymore.
No point. He'll never see them.
As if it had a mind of its own, her hand stuffed the panties in the bag along with the matching bra. And then a few other frivolous garments she knew would go unused.
Back at the frat house, Katie found Isaac right where she'd left him. Snoring deeply but with the covers kicked to the end of the bed. The towel that had covered the vapor rub on his chest tossed on the floor beside him.
Katie stood beside the bed and lay the back of her hand on his forehead. He certainly had a fever but not too severe.
The corner of her mouth quirked up when he inhaled a sharp breath resulting in a ripping-loud snore.
Katie trailed her fingers down his cheek.
She knew why she'd found him attractive, even irresistible, at the party. But now?
She should have been disgusted by the drool dribbling from the corner of his mouth. Annoyed by his constant coughing. Repelled by his medicinal breath. Instead, she found it all a bit charming. Found herself wanting to kiss his forehead. Wanting to hold him in her arms and comfort him. Do everything she knew she shouldn't.
Before she took back her hand, Isaac turned into her touch pinning her between his cheek and the pillow. She pulled back but every time she moved he grumbled an inaudible protest. Then, when she'd almost freed herself, he turned wrapping his arm around hers and twisting it until she had to turn and lay next to him just so he wouldn't rip her shoulder out of its socket.
"Isaac." She hated to wake him. Not only because he needed sleep but also because she hadn't showered or brushed her teeth yet. Not that she cared what he thought, she wasn't there to impress him but there was no need to add to his discomfort.
"Isaac, you're breaking my arm." She pushed his shoulder back while trying to pull her arm out of his monster grip.
It was like trying to get out of Chinese finger cuffs. The harder she worked to free herself the tighter he held on.
Then suddenly he let go. Though, only long enough to hook his leg around her waist, his arm around her shoulders before pulling her whole body against him. Grumbling as he nuzzled his nose through her hair and against her neck, he whispered, "You smell like summer." Isaac's lips tickled her skin. His voice muffled, trapped between her and the pillow beneath him.
"You're delirious," Katie said through a smile. Her eyes fluttering and rolling to the ceiling as he flattened one hand on the small of her back. The other curled around her ribs before the tips of his fingers grazed the side of her breast. "Your fever must be higher than I thought."
Oh, God, he felt good. Even half-dead, not knowing what the hell he was doing, he found all the right buttons. If only she didn't have her work to do, she'd risk the inevitable broken heart to let him push every last one of them.
"Isaac." She deepened her tone to prove her sincerity. "Let go."
He swept his lips against the pulse in her neck once before unwinding his limbs from around her body. "I'm sorry," he said. "Like you said. The fever."
Katie retreated before she changed her mind.
"After I shower, I'll make us some breakfast and you can take another dose of cold meds."
"My shower caddy's in the closet if you—"
"I'm good." Katie held up the bag she'd left by the door. "Thanks."
Isaac curled up tucking the covers under his chin.