Page 43 of Fighting Fate
That was not the reaction he'd expected.
Either she was really into this and eager to strip for him or overly-confident she would never miss a shot.
Keeping eye contact with him, she threw the quarter missing the glass completely.
What the hell?
Katie rose from her seat and stood in front of him. Isaac sat back. Looking her over, he wondered what she'd take off first. She didn't have much to choose from. And judging by the look in her eyes, she was eager to take it all off.
Isaac's heart thudded in his ears as she traced the hem of her tank top around her waist with her fingertips. What he wouldn't give, now that he was well and fully aware, to see her round, perky breasts in that skimpy lace bra she had on when she pulled him into the shower. He remembered what he'd seen and that he liked it, but the fever had left the memory a bit of a blur.
He prepared to replace the old memory with this one, but then her fingers moved from her shirt to her skin tight leggings.
Oh, fuck yes.
If she took them off it would be a struggle not to ask her to turn around. To see that round, pert ass of hers. It would be even harder to keep his hands off her if she did.
That erection he thought he had under control returned. But this time he didn't care. He thrust his hips up, drawing her attention to it. Katie's eyes darted to his hips, widened, then came back to meet his eyes.
If he had to be distracted by his throbbing cock, so did she.
"Hmm…" she said trying to appear to be in control but her voice quivered slightly and gave her away. “Decisions. Decisions."
The anticipation tensed in his fingers. He gripped the edge of the couch cushions as she leaned in bracing her hands on his knees.
Had he just dreamed up the nerves he’d heard in her voice? "Too bad I have to choose onlyonepiece of clothing." She slid her hands up his thighs. Completely in control.
His aching cock twitched in his briefs the closer her hands drifted to his center.
"By all means," he said, "make it two."
"You sure about that?"
He nodded.
"Anytwo pieces of clothing?"
Oh, my God, yes.
He nodded again.
"Okay," she said with a wicked grin as she grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up.
"Wait, what?" he asked but let her finish stripping his T-shirt to reveal the tight white tank underneath.
"You didn't saywhoseclothing I had to take off."
Isaac's jaw dropped. "Yours. You know I meant yours."
"Well, yeah. But that's not what yousaid. Now, about that second piece."
He was about to argue again when he remembered how much she'd stared at him and how it had affected her when they first met. How that effect had forced him to stick to her like glue for the rest of the party. It was still a good rule. And he'd run out of clothes eventually. Who would she strip after his clothes were gone?
Katie put her hands on his knees again. He waited for her to voyage to his waist. Instead, she moved one hand down his calf picking up his leg as she slid to his ankle. Resting the back of his heel on her thigh, she pushed his pant leg up with both hands, then pulled off his sock.
"Well, played," he said putting his bare foot next to his socked foot and wiggled his toes.
Looking quite proud of herself, Katie bowed before reclaiming her seat next to him.