Page 49 of Fighting Fate
The spray hit her legs first. Then drenched her head to toe as Isaac came up the side of the porch. The front of his shirt covered in dirt.
He must have belly crawled around the front of the house. Below her line of sight.
As soon as she overcame the shock, Katie lunged at Isaac. When she crashed into him, his muscles, hard and braced against her attack, were not enough to keep his footing on the soaking wet porch that had become slick as ice.
They hit the floor together. The air forced from their lungs.
The hose snapped back over the side of the porch. He'd stretched the thing to its limit. Katie saw her chance. Took it.
"Gotcha!" She flung herself on top of him straddling his waist with her gun pointed between his eyes.
"Don't shoot," he said pretending to be in real trouble. "I'll tell you everything."
"After all this? You really think I'll show mercy?" she asked in her bestbad copvoice.
"Please. I'll do anything," he said, his tone softer. Deeper. Suggestive.
She quirked an eyebrow. "Anything?"
With a smile, Katie tensed her buttocks jumping as a little squeak escaped her lips when he gripped her hips. "Anything."
Leaning down, Katie put her lips to Isaac's ear. Her lips grazing his earlobe, she whispered, "No mercy,” as she pressed the barrel of her gun against his temple and squeezed the trigger.
As water trickled from his temple through his hair, Isaac shook with laughter. Katie joined in soon after. Her soaking wet chest pressed against him.
"So," Isaac said after the laughter subsided. "What do you want to know?"
"First, I need a shower and dry clothes. Wouldn't mind something a bit more substantial in my stomach either. Thanks for the hangover breakfast, by the way."
"You're welcome."
Katie sat up still straddling his waist.
Damn, he loved looking at her from this angle. The way the light clung to her skin still glistening with droplets of water falling from her hair. Her chest. Her arms. Her cheeks. Glowing.
"Come on," she said. "We both stink."
"Speak for yourself," Isaac said. "I smell like a God damn garden."
"Only because you crawled through one."
"That's right."
Katie stood and stepped off to one side. "Well, then. If you think you smell so good, you can cook while I shower."
"That backfired." Isaac stood next to her.
"Yes, it did."
"Any way I can get out of it? I'm really only good with eggs and bacon."
"I love breakfast for dinner," Katie said.