Page 57 of Fighting Fate
The speed with which Isaac swept her into his arms, she could have sworn she'd obtained zero gravity. Her stomach floated and a rather unladylike squeal punched the air as though she'd just crested the first hill on a roller coaster. The bottom of that hill came in the form of Isaac's mattress. And more than any amusement park ride, Katie's body buzzed anticipating the unchartered thrill of the ride ahead of her.
Isaac's kiss had evolved from the sensual, exploring kind to one more desperate, territorial. Exactly what she'd wanted. But what she wanted more was to know what the massive length he pumped against her leg felt like inside of her.
As if reading her mind, Isaac sat back on his heels. That massive length following him thumping against his abdomen as he reached for the drawer in the bedside table.
Guessing he meant to come back with a condom, Katie sat up laying a hand on his arm. "If I can trust that you've always used them before, thenI'drather not."
The beast flashed his shining teeth behind Isaac's eyes. "I have. The doc even took blood on Monday. Clean as a whistle. What about you?"
Heat filled Katie's cheeks. She should have expected him to ask. That didn't mean she was ready to answer. Katie had never told anyone this much about her previous sexual encounters. Not even her best friend.
Isaac really did bring out something different in her. If she wasn't so incredibly horny, she might have mistaken the skip in her heartbeat for fear.
"What is it?" Isaac put his hand on her side, caressed her ribs with his thumb.
"I'm…" Katie's heart pounded so hard she was sure Isaac had felt it. "Fuck, this is hard."
After everything they'd been through, he deserved to know exactly what he was getting into with her. She hated to have built herself up just to let him down now.
"Blondie? No judgment but I'm a little scared by your hesitation."
Shit. "No. It's not—I don't have anything."
She should have just spit it out. It's not like it was anything to be embarrassed about.
"Isaac, I'm a—"
His lips formed a perfect circle. "You can't be a virgin."
"Technically. Yeah. I am."
Apparently, he'd expected to be wrong as his mouth dropped open when she confirmed it. But only for a second. Then, when he snapped it shut, he gave her the most unconvinced side-eyed glance she'd ever seen before. "You're teasing again."
"I am not."
He narrowed his eyes even more. "You honestly expect me to believe after everything you've done—" He leaned in lowering his voice like he didn't want prying ears to hear. "You can fucking deep throat, Katie. That's not exactly Sex 101."
"I did saytechnically. Yeah, I'vedonethings but I've never had actual intercourse." The mood had shifted and so Katie did the same turning to lean back against the headboard.
Isaac didn't miss a beat sitting and leaning back next to her. Not bothering to cover himself, though. In fairness, neither had she. He laced his fingers resting his hands on his stomach and crossed his ankles.
Katie chortled.
"Look at us,” she said.
"You mean how hot we are? I know."
Katie bumped his shoulder with hers. "You know what I mean."
The silence between them sucked the air from the room. If one of them didn't say something soon… Well, she didn't know what but something—something had to be done. They couldn't just sit there in silence all night.
"So… What about toys?" Isaac tapped his fingers on the backs of his hands still laced together over his stomach. That perfectly sculpted stomach.