Page 68 of Fighting Fate
Isaac's face and chest flushed a deep red when their hips collided. "God damn, Blondie, you're so tight." Those stormy eyes of his, desperate, locked with hers. "I don't know how long I can last."
Holy fuck.
Katie hadn't anticipated, at his admission, the hard thump of her heart or to get so wet she soaked the blanket beneath them.
"Christ, Katie. You're killing me." Isaac pressed his body against her slowing his rhythm.
The shift in position put him right where she needed him. "I'm so close."
"I'm too close."
He thrust in again.
"So close."
Picking up speed, he thrust deeper and… "Oh, God, yes," Katie screamed as she came so hard it hurt. So good.
"Oh, no. I can't—" Isaac pulled out.
"Come on me."
He didn't hesitate—he didn't have time to. Holding his cock in his hand, he let go spreading himself, hot and sticky, over her stomach and chest.
When he finished, he sat back on his heels hunched over with his free hand covering his face.
"I've never done that before. I'm so sorry. I made an absolute mess of you."
Katie giggled. "I like it." She covered her own face, hot with embarrassment.
The bed moved. Katie peeked between her fingers. Isaac walked to the closet, grabbed a hand towel and brought it back to the bed.
Sitting next to her, he wiped the towel across her chest cleaning up the mess he'd made.
"Isaac," Katie said putting her hand on his to stop him cleaning and bring his attention to her. "Thank you. For being the best real first I could have ever hoped for."
He kissed her as sweetly as he ever had before and she couldn't wait for him to be the best second, third, fourth…
Chapter 34
After supper and their third time, the guilt about keeping her away from her work got to be too much. Lifting his head off his pillow to get a better look at the clock, he let her know, "it's getting late."
Katie rolled pressing her soft, naked body against his side. "I know."
"Shouldn't you—?"
"I'll start early tomorrow." She climbed on top of him straddling his waist and grabbed the clock. "I'll set it for six-thirty." After putting the clock back, she came back to him putting her hands on his pillow on either side of his head.
"I knew you'd be bad for business." She hummed grinding her hips against him. The heat between them and his cock rising to meet her pushed every reasonable argument he had for her getting back to work out of his head.
With only one thought on his mind, Isaac took hold of her hips, lifted her up then brought her down, wet and tight around him. Four or a hundred times, he'd never stop marveling at how perfectly they fit together. Like she was made just for him. Him, just for her.
"Fuck, you feel so good." Katie fell forward catching herself with her hands flat on his chest. Her hair spilling over her face as she pulsed and pulled him over the edge with her again.
Made for each other.
Chapter 35
Soft kisses on her neck, callused hands cupping her breasts, and Isaac's massive morning wood wedged between her ass cheeks greeted Katie well before the alarm.