Page 78 of Fighting Fate
Her phone buzzed with another message from Amber but she didn't get a chance to read it before someone knocked on her door.
"I do not have time for this," Katie grumbled on her way over to answer it.
"Oh, my God. You survived," Katie said throwing her arms around Stephanie. The last time she saw Stephanie she'd left her with the sexy stranger she'd met through a wrong number who was pretending to be her boyfriend.
"Barely," Stephanie said.
"Why? What happened?"
"It's a long story and I don't have time to get into it right now. Roland's waiting in the car. I just wanted to check in with you, let you know I survived and to tell you I'm not going to be here much the rest of the term and not moving back in in the fall."
"You're not dropping out." Katie made sure there was no mistaking her statement for a question.
"Youhaveto tell me what happened."
"Let's just say, it was a really good spring break. I'll fill you in when I come back to pack properly."
"You better."
"How was your break?" Stephanie tilted her head. "You look a little stressed."
"If you don't have time to tell me your story, no way you have time to listen to mine."
"Next time?"
"Definitely." Katie went in for another hug even though she knew that wasn't Stephanie's thing. But if she was moving out, she wouldn't get many more opportunities to show her how much she cared even though they hadn't been the best of friends.
Stephanie accepted the hug and even gave Katie an extra squeeze.
"I'll miss you, Steph."
"Yeah. I'll miss you too."
After Katie shut the door, she turned back to find her phone blinking like crazy with text after text.
Amber: OMG
Amber: It's Isaac. He's here.
Amber: Should I say something?
Amber: He's looking this way.
Amber: He's coming over.
Amber: What do I do?
Amber: Katie! What do I say?
Katie should have known better than to think he'd let her go without a fight. She wished he didn't have to. She didn't want to fight him. It wasn't his fault she was in this mess.
Still, she was in a mess. Even after she cleaned this one up a new mess would take its place. She couldn't ask or expect Isaac to help clean up after her forever.
The phone continued to vibrate and flash with another half a dozen texts. Than…
Amber: He wants to talk to you.