Page 8 of Fighting Fate
He wanted to. He wanted to know everything about her. But what if she didn't want to tell him?
Fuck, I'm fucking fucked.
"I need a drink," Jake said.
Amen, brother.
Isaac dropped his hands to his sides and followed Jake to the beer table. They each grabbed a red cup and gulped down the contents. Even flat and warm it soothed his nerves. Though, he'd need quite a few more to quiet the panic rising in his chest as the half of him wanting to fuck Blondie's brains out, even if it was only for one night, warred with the half of him that thought it would be better if he disappeared before she came back.
He grabbed another drink and downed it.
"What happened?" Isaac turned his attention to Jake.
"What always happens? I met a girl and she hates me."
"She doesn't hate you. She doesn't even know you."
"And she doesn't want to. How is that any different?" Jake drew a long gulp of his second beer.
"You need to stop beating yourself up. Confidence is key." Jake doubled over after Isaac flicked his wrist and tapped Jake's balls with his knuckles. "Act like you own a pair and you'll have her eating out of your hand."You know, if there aren't a hundred other things going on in her life working against you.
There was no way he'd tell Jake that, though. It would kill any confidence he might have left.
The front door swung open. Blondie and her friend walked in.
Isaac caught Blondie's eye and drew her attention to the finger he tapped in rhythm with the music on his stomach. She let out another one of those pursed-lipped breaths and quirked a smile.
Fucking fucked.
"Grab her a drink," Isaac ordered Jake as he picked one up for Blondie. "You're a fucking badass, Jake. You got this."
Isaac handed Blondie the full cup then drained what was left of his third. When he finished, Blondie took his hand and dragged him back toward the dance floor while Jake followed Stephanie out the front door.
Get some!
One of them should. And with the familiar and frightening feelings building inside Isaac, he knew it wouldn’t be him.
Something had shifted.
Over the hour or so after she’d waved goodbye to Stephanie, Katie lost count of how many beers Muscles had downed. As big of a guy as he was, it still shocked her he could keep himself on his feet dancing. Though, after the last couple of drinks, she'd started carrying more of his weight than ever when he leaned into her.
Not that she minded. She couldn't get enough of his body against her. Or his hands all over her. And the drunker he got the more courage those hands found to explore a little more.
They danced in their favorite position. Katie's backside firmly attached to his groin. Holding his chest on her shoulders as they pulsed together to the music. The reason they'd danced like this in the first place an ancient memory now they were both drenched in sweat. And somehow smelling better for it. His once-bright citrus had darkened into a mix of black pepper and earth, so thick in the air around her, she could taste it.
Katie arched her back and with her rear took inventory again of the goods he had stored in his jeans. She'd have liked a taste of that too.
Muscles slid his hand up Katie's thigh and under the hem of her skirt. Gripping her bare hip, he hooked his thumb under the string of her panties. "Let's go upstairs." His gruff voice vibrated against her neck. Vocal cords weakened by the alcohol.
Katie answered him by taking his hand and leading him to the stairs. He hadn't been the most graceful person before, enough not to be awkward, but what little grace he possessed had been drowned in beer. Over halfway up, Katie put every ounce of her strength into keeping them from falling down the stairs when his toe caught the edge of the step and threw him off balance.
She hadn't wanted to admit it but at this point, she had no choice. They weren’t hooking up tonight.
After their near-death experience, Katie put Muscles' arm around her shoulder and carried more of his weight than she ever thought she could bear to get him up the last few steps.
"There," he slurred pointing straight ahead at the door across the hall at the top of the stairs.