Page 100 of Unlikely to Stay
“Not a chance in hell.”
Brant laughed.“What if I wanted a new pet?I’m not home enough for a dog but a cat…well, a cat practically takes care of itself.”
“Then you can kiss our relationship goodbye.I don’t date men with cats.”
Brant stopped walking.“We’re in a relationship?”
“You’re practically at my house more than yours.We’ve been in public together and you single-handedly help me build my gym.You know I prefer silk underwear over lace and I don’t like to wear pants to bed.I think that’s a relationship.”
Brant knew a cheesy grin was plastered to his face.“Well, well, well…it’s seems my charmdidwork on you.”
“Your charm?”
“I knew throwing you in that creek was going to do it.Freeze away your hatred.”
She rolled her eyes.“You’re such a nerd.”
“And you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.”Brant pulled her into his body and placed his forehead on hers.“You know that, right?I could look high and low and never find anyone like you, Freckles.”
“Really?”she asked quietly.
“Really.For the first time ever, I’m glad I came to Parker.You’re worth putting up with all the crazy old people in town.”
“But do you want to deal with the crazy old people forever?”
Brant shrugged his shoulders.“They can’t live forever.”
CC laughed and playfully slapped his arm.“That’s awful.”
“Like I said, you’re worth it.”
“What about your mom?”
“I’ll figure it out.All I know is I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”
CC’s sapphire eyes widened.“Oh, really?Why is that?”
All his resolve about waiting to tell her how he felt flew out the window.To hell with it.He wanted her to know.“Because I think I love you, Freckles.This has to be love because I’ve never felt anything like it before.I can’t breathe when you’re not around.I count down the hours until I see you.I want to be the one who puts a smile on your face and the only one who hears you make that breathless moan right before you say my name.If that’s not love, what is?”
“What is love?Baby, don’t hurt me…don’t hurt me…no more!”Brant jumped at the sound.“What the hell isthat?”
She laughed, her eyes twinkling in merriment.“That’s Igor, the idiotic parrot who has a vocabulary larger than some people’s.And a penchant for bad nineties’ music, apparently.”
Brant threw his head back and laughed.“That’s awesome.”
“That’s one way to put it.And Snaps?”
“I think I love you, too.Youandyour suspenders.”
“Yep.You had me at the penguins.Too bad they were ruined the first time we painted.”
“I’ll check eBay for another pair.Surely there’s another suspender seller out there with a penchant for penguins.”
Freckles smiled before leaning up and brushing her lips gently on his.“What’s your momma gonna think, you staying in Parker with the girl with the cherry red hair?”