Page 11 of Unlikely to Stay
“I was going to pay if were we on an actual date.It wouldn’t be right to make you pay now that you outed me as a fraud.”
CC laughed.“You’re not mad, are you?”
Conner pulled her in for a hug.“Nope.I’m grateful.”
After adding him on social media and promising to keep in touch, CC got in her car and headed home.She was going to have a conversation with her friend.
Half an hour later, she was pulling into the driveway of Annie and Wyatt’s house.Stomping up the steps, she walked into the house and found Breckin and Annie sitting on the couch, bowls of popcorn in their laps, watchingPitch Perfect.
CC walked over to Annie, grabbed her bowl of popcorn and plopped down in Wyatt’s recliner.
“Hey!”Annie complained.“Get your own bowl!”
“I’mnotgetting my own bowl.In fact, I think I should getyourbowl for all eternity.”
“Date not go well?”Breckin asked.
“What?He’s such a nice guy!I really thought you two would hit it off,” Annie said, a look of disappointment.
“Oh, we did hit it off.I absolutely adore him.I might replace you with him as my best friend.”
“Why are you so mad if you hit it off with him?”
“Because a relationship with him is never going to happen.”
“Because he’s gay!Really, really, reallygay.”
Annie gasped.“He is not!”
“He most definitely is.He told me he cried about an Armani suit being full price at the outlet mall.”
Breckin started laughing.“Yep.That’s an indication of being gay if I’ve ever heard one.”
“I don’t know how you missed it, Ann.He’s really gay.”
“I bet it was a really awkward dinner,” Breckin said.“What did you do?”
“I asked him if he broke up with his last girlfriend because he was gay.”
Annie gasped again, this time putting her hand over her mouth.“Youdidn’t!”
“I did.And he was grateful.We had a great time at dinner and he decided to tell his family.Now he gets to be with his roommate, Samuel, without hiding their relationship.”
Annie nodded.“Now it is starting to make sense.He does post a lot of pictures of him and Samuel together.And their hair is always perfect.”
“This totally reinforces the idea that I am going to be alone for the rest of my life.I’m going to get some wine.I deserve it.”
CC headed to the kitchen at the back of the house.Hearing men’s cheering outside, she peeked out the kitchen window to see what Griff and Wyatt were watching.It stopped her in her tracks when she didn’t just see her two friends’ soul mates.With them, sitting in a chair facing the outdoor television, was none other than the hottie nurse in town who had been the subject of her dreams more times than she wanted to admit.
Stomping back to the living room, she stood in front of the television, hands on her hips.“What ishedoing here?”
“Oh, yeah.That.I was going to tell you but then you stomped off indignantly to get wine before I could drop the bomb.”
“I can’t believe he’shere!Are youtryingto piss me off?”
Annie frowned.“No, grumpy pants.I’m nottryingto piss you off.You were on a date.How was I supposed to know you would end it early because Conner was gay?I thought he would be gone by the time you got back.If you even came here at all.You might’ve just gone home after your date for all I knew.”