Page 111 of Unlikely to Stay
“I’m not dumb and I haven’t been living under a rock.I saw the way you looked at her when you two came to see me.I hear what you’re not saying to me when you talk about her.You.Love.Her.”
Brant sighed.He should have known his mom would be able to see right through him.“You’re right.I do love her.So much.”
“Thenwhyare you even considering coming back here?”
“Because…well…because you need me.”
“Who says I need you?”
“You took care of me when I was little.You just had a heart attack.Ido.Isay you need me.”
His mom rose from her chair and pulled him in for a hug.“My dear, sweet, boy,” she said, squeezing him tightly.“Don’t you realize?You don’t owe me anything.I took you in when you were just any angry, wild kid because you needed me.But you gave meso muchin return.You have been a blessing.You’realwaysa blessing.Don’t give up what you have with this girl.She’s special.Don’t blow it.Go back to Parker.Be with that girl.Tell her you love her.But do me one favor.”
“What’s that?”
“Don’t get her pregnant before you walk down the aisle.The ladies at church will never let me hear the end of it.”
“So you haven’t heardanythingfrom him?”
Annie and CC were sitting on Annie’s back porch getting ready for the shower, which was in two weeks.CC was making a diaper cake while Annie was writing addresses on invitations and licking the envelopes closed.Sadie had found a really cool idea on Pinterest.Instead of putting a card with their gift, the invitations had a cute little poem that asked guests to buy a children’s book and sign the inside.That way, Breckin and Griff’s baby would already have a library for the parents to read.Knowing Breckin and her education background, she’d be reading them out loud before her daughter even exited the womb.
“We’vetalked,”CC said.“Just not a lot.He’s been focusing a lot on getting his mom better.”
“That doesn’t mean he can’t come back to visit at least.The clinic has been closed, there’s been no car in his driveway.It’s like he never even existed.”
CC tried not to show how upset she was at Brant’s absence.Not seeing him on a daily basis had left a hole in her heart she never imagined would hurt so much.Still, she understood.The only person who had ever cared about him had almost died.“I’m not going to lie.I’m sad.But I get it.She’s the only person who ever took a chance on him.”
“You’vetaken a chance on him, too.Let’s not forget that.”
“It’s not the same.”
Annie rolled her eyes and grimaced as she licked another envelope.“This stuff is so disgusting.”
“Why don’t you get a wet paper towel and just seal it that way?”
Annie grinned.“I knew you were my friend for a reason.You just saved my tongue from paper cuts and nasty glue.”
“Glad to be of service.”
“Don’t think this conversation is over, though.”
CC continued attempting to make the diaper cake in her friend’s absence.Pinterest made it look so easy when it was anything but.CC hoped changing a baby’s diaper was simpler than making this damn tree.If it wasn’t, she might be hosing off her niece when she babysat rather than changing a diaper.
“So, let’s continue,” Annie said, plopping down with a paper towel in her hand.“What are you gonna do about it?”
“Is there anything to do?”CC asked, finally giving up and throwing a diaper in the air.Screw it.She’d get Sadie to do it.
“Fight.Fightfor your man.”
“How can I compete with his adopted mom who’s done so much for him?Let’s face it.His mom’s not leaving the city.I’m not leaving here.I don’t know where that leaves us.”Even though CC knew the words were true, her heart hurt.Because shewantedhim to choose her.
“I don’t think giving up is the answer.”
CC shrugged her shoulders.She didn’t even know how to respond.All of a sudden, her phone rang and her heart leapt at the name that popped up on her screen.Annie leaned over the table and looked at CC’s phone.
“Well, speak of the devil,” Annie said.“Here’s your chance, girly.Remember what I said.Fight.”
CC pressed talk and smiled at the sound of Brant’s voice on the other end of the line.“Hey, Freckles,” he said softly.