Page 121 of Unlikely to Stay
Brant and CC looked in the mirror at the same time and both started laughing hysterically.Wonder Woman’s headband ran the length of her forehead, blue stripes with stars fanning out over her eyelids and brow.The Flash’s mask covered Brant’s face, right down to the lightning bolt in the middle of his forehead.
“We are a couple,” he replied.“And we obviously love our comic book characters.”
“Do you like them?”she asked.
“We love them,” CC replied.
Brant handed the artist her money, adding a ten dollar tip to what the paintings cost.“Have a nice day,” he told her.
“You, too.”
He took CC’s arm and linked it with his.“Let’s go, Wonder Woman.Show me what’s next.”
“If you could run as fast as The Flash we’d see them all in under thirty minutes.”
“Too bad that’s not going to happen.”
“I guess I’ll just take you how you are, then.”
The two of them made their way down the right side of Main Street browsing the other booths selling t-shirts, hand-carved woodworking, vintage books and records, and a variety of handmade outdoor signs.
“This is pretty cool,” he told her.“It’s almost like a flea market on top of being a celebration of a holiday.”
“It is.This and founder’s day are two of the biggest sources of money that filters into town every year.Since all the lake people are out and about, they come into town for both of the celebrations.Founder’s Day is really good for all the small businesses in town.Fourth of July is really good for all the people who pay to have a booth and be part of the festivities.”
They had finally come to the end of Main Street where the vintage cars and trucks were parked in front of the courthouse.The vehicles’ hoods were up, the owners hanging out either outside the vehicles, sitting in the seats, or the back beds.
“Look!There’s Wyatt and Annie.Let’s go say hi,” CC said, dragging him to her friends.
“Well hello, Wonder Woman.Flash,” Wyatt said, pretending to crack an imaginary whip and winking.“Nice paint job.”
“Don’t be cracking any whip, Wyatt.It was Brant’s idea,” CC told him.“I said we’d look like kids but he insisted.”
“I think you two look good,” Annie replied.“Did you plan to have comic book characters?”
“Nope.We secretly picked out the other’s paint job and then looked at the same time when they were finished,” Brant answered.“Kind of ironic we did this, huh?”
“It is, especially considering Wonder Woman is CC’s favorite.”
“The Flash is Brant’s!”CC said.“I guess great minds think alike.”
Brant flashed her a smile.“I guess so.”
He walked around Wyatt’s truck and whistled.“This is a nice truck, Wyatt.I’ve seen it before but never really had the chance to admire it up close.”
“Thanks.It was my grandfather’s fifty-four International.I restored it myself.Bought all the parts on eBay from Old International Lover Fifty-Four.”
“You did an excellent job.Your grandfather would be proud.”
“I sure hope so.”
“Hello, Dr.Brant!I like your face paint!”Hattie, Wyatt’s niece, popped up out of the truck bed and gifted Brant with a gap-toothed smile.Wyatt’s sister had brought Hattie into the clinic a time or two when she wasn’t sick enough to warrant a trip into Lakeview and her pediatrician’s office.
“Hello, Miss Hattie.I didn’t see you there.You’re a good hider.”
“I like to hide and then pop up and scare all the people who come to look at Uncle Wy’s truck.I ’bout gave Burt a heart attack, I think.He said a bad word even.It was so funny.”
Wyatt rolled his eyes.“It wasnotfunny, Hat.If your momma knew what you were doing she’d bust your butt and give me the stink eye.”