Page 132 of Unlikely to Stay
Brant wrung his hands.He didn’t know if he could live without her.“Then come with me.You can cut hair anywhere.”
She shook her head.“My life is here.It’s always been here.There’s no way we can make it work, Brant.Just go.Please.”
Brant walked over until they were standing so close he could smell the scent he had grown so familiar with he didn’t know how he was going to live without it.“I love you, Freckles.I always will.”
Without asking, he wrapped her in a hug and kissed her forehead.He could feel her tears soaking into his shirt.“Bye, Freckles.”
“Bye, Snaps,” she said.His heart broke at her words.Even so, he turned and walked out the door, thinking the entire time he might be making the biggest mistake of his life.
“You are some kinda dumb.”His mom was waiting on her doorstep, her hands on her hips.“Didn’t I tell you that you weren’t welcome here no more?”
Brant rolled his eyes.“You did.I just didn’t believe you.”
“You shouldn’t be here, Brant Billings.You should be in Parker with that little woman you love.”
“I already told you, Mom.She doesn’t want me anymore.”
Brant had planned on getting his own apartment but with as fast as everything moved, he wasn’t able to look for anything.He decided to move back in with his mom to save some money so he could afford something he’d actually like.Maybe something with a workout gym.Lord knows he’d need something to keep himself preoccupied.He’d been dreaming of CC every single night since the shit had hit the fan.
“Well, I don’t think I would want you, either, if you didn’t tellmeyou were applying for jobs almost three hours away,” his mom said, glaring at him.“What were you thinking?”
Brant rubbed his temples.“I don’t know, Mom.I wasn’t thinking, I guess.”
“Well, no shit.”
Brant’s eyes widened.His mom didn’t cuss unless she wasreally mad.“I meant to tell her.I really did.I just…didn’t do it.Every time I started to talk to her about it, something would happen and our conversation would stop.”
“Sounds like a lame ass excuse if I’ve ever heard one,” she said.“Might as well bring your stuff back into the house.What doesn’t fit can go into storage in the garage.At least until I can knock some sense into you and you go back to Parker where you belong.”
“You don’t even act like you’re happy I’m here to help you!”he yelled.“Seriously, Mom.I came back foryou!”
“I didn’taskyou to come back.In case you didn’t notice, I’m doingfinewithout you here.I even sent that nurse friend of yours home the day after you left.”
“What?I’m a young, healthy seventy-two year old who had a minor setback with my health.That doesn’t mean I’m perched on death’s door.And even if I am, nothing you’re gonna do about it.If the Good Lord thinks it’s my time to go, then your fancy nursing license won’t be able to stop it.”
“Don’tMomme.You know it’s true.”
“Well, it’s too late now.I accepted this job, CC doesn’t want anything to do with me.Looks like my decision has been made.”
His mom just shook her head and walked into the house.He was pretty sure he heard her mutter something about raising a stubborn ass kid.He followed his mom up the stairs but his phone started ringing.Crossing his fingers it might be Freckles, he pulled it out of his pocket and frowned.It was Griff.
“Hey, man,” he said, trying not to let Griff hear the disappointment in his voice.
“I know what you were thinking and I’m sorry I’m not your girl,” Griff said.“I just wanted to know if you made it okay to your mom’s house.”
“Just pulled up.”
“How’d she take it?You showing up?I figured she thought you still might decide to stay here.”
“Called me all sorts of names and cussed at me.She never cusses unless she’sreallypissed.So there’s that.”
Griff chuckled.“She’s a little bit different than my grandma then.Kelda’s mouth would make a sailor blush.”
“I’ve heard her mouth a time or two,” Brant said, laughing.“I would agree about the sailors.”