Page 141 of Unlikely to Stay
Susan walked off.As he watched her, a thought started forming in his mind.Ever since he had gone home his mom had told him he wasn’t wanted.Seeing as he still hadn’t moved out of her house, he could see the improvements in her health.She was back to his old mom.Maybe she was right.Maybe he should go back to Parker.Maybe he could get his old job back.It all depended on a certain redhead.If she even wanted to give him another chance.Because if she didn’t, he couldn’t go back to the small town and see her on a daily basis knowing she wouldn’t ever be his.
Music began playing over the speakers of the hospital.A baby had been born.Brant didn’t have to wait long to figure it out it was Griff and Breckin’s.A few minutes after the music started, Annie and CC walked through the maternity ward doors, huge smiles on their faces.
“She’s here and she’s beautiful,” Annie said with an even wider grin.“Mom and Dad are spending time with their baby.She has a whole head of black hair just like her daddy.Well, if he didn’t shave all the black hair off his head.”
Everyone in the waiting area started cheering.“I wanna go see my grandbaby!”Kelda yelled.“Is she a Gwen or a Bellamy?”
“You know better than to ask us to spill the beans about that,” CC said.“Just wait your turn, Kelda.You’ll get to see her soon enough.”
“Do you think I should dye my hair black, just so people will know she’smygranddaughter?”Kelda asked.
“I think everyone will know just by looking at you,” CC said with a wink.“She is your spitting image.”
Kelda preened at CC’s words and Brant smiled.She was so good with people.He debated on what to do.Should he go over to her?Wait until she saw him?Just leave and forget all about her and his half-formed idea?
The choice was made for him when CC turned, her eyes locking on his.Her faced paled and he winced at the hurt dancing across her beautiful features.He put his hand up and waved slightly.To his surprise, CC began walking toward him, confusion on her face.His palms started sweating and his heart began beating a frantic rhythm in his chest.He had no idea what to expect.All too soon, she was standing in front of him.Standing in front of him as his mind was a complete and total blank.
“What are you doing here, Brant?”
He just blinked.“Uh—”
“Seriously.What are you doing here?Did Griff call you or something?”
Again with the blinking.Why wouldn’t his mouthmove?
CC rolled her eyes.“Well, if you aren’t even going tospeak—”
“Training!”his mouth finally said.“I had a training.Here.At the hospital.I wasn’t being creepy.”
“Why don’t you letmebe the judge of you being creepy, huh?Is your training in the maternity ward at six in the evening?”
“Then it’s alittlecreepy you’re here,” she said, hands on her hips.
“I was leaving after beingintraining and saw Kelda, Susan, and Breckin’s dad come into the hospital.Being the smart person I am, I put two and two together and figured out Breckin was probably having her baby.”
“So you stayed?”
Brant held his hands up in the air.“So I stayed.”Even though, by the look of hostility on her face, staying didn’t seem to be thebestdecision he could’ve made.
“Why are you still here?”
“Would you hate me if I said it was because I wanted to see you?”
To his horror, a tear welled up in her right eye before slipping down her cheek.She wiped it off in anger.“Maybe,” she whispered.
Brant closed the distance between them.“I’ve missed you so much, Freckles.Sometimes I fall asleep and wake up thinking you’re lying next to me.It breaks my heart when I wake up and realize it was just a dream.”
She wrapped her arms around herself and didn’t say a word.He took another step closer.
“I bought some of your favorite lotion and body spray.Went into the girly store that sells it and everything.Then you know what I did?”
She shook her head slightly.
“I sprayed my entire room at my mom’s house with it, just so the room would smell like you and I could sleep.But I have to say, it isn’t half as good as smelling it in person.On you.”
CC felther heart stop beating when she walked out of the maternity ward doors and saw Brant lounging against the wall.Instead of the normal pants, shirt, and suspenders he wore while working at the clinic in Parker, he was sporting a pair of navy blue scrubs.She had to say…scrubs had never looked so good.