Page 22 of Unlikely to Stay
“So she bought a building next to her beauty shop she planned on turning into a gym but hasn’t touched it because she ran out of money.”
“You don’t have the money to help her out.Don’t tell me you’re gonna do something stupid like that.”
“No, no, no.Nothing like that.Her friends decided to hold an auction to raise money to help her finish the gym.”
“You don’t say.That’s awfully nice of them.”
“It really is.The shop owners donated a bunch of stuff to auction off, too.”
“What do you mean, too?”
“Well, they’re also auctioning off all the eligible bachelors in town.”
She slapped the table and laughed.“And they roped you into being one.”
“How do you know you’re gonna get bid on by this girl who supposedly hates you and not one of them old ladies you told me about?”
“Because one of her friends promised me she would win me and then make CC go on the date.”
“Pretty sneaky.How can she make sure that will happen?”
“Her granny left her millions of dollars in oil royalties.She told me she didn’t care how high the bidding got, she would win me.”
“I think I might like this girl.The one who’s doing the bidding.Not the one who doesn’t like you.She’s rubbing me the wrong way.Why don’t you go out with the bidder?”
“Because she’s married and madly in love with her husband.”
“That would make things a little awkward.”
Brant nodded.“It would.”
“Well, if she doesn’t realize what a catch you are after this date, then she’s a big ol’ dummy.”
Brant chuckled, leaned over, and planted a kiss on her forehead.“I love you, you know.”
“I know you do.Now, finish your meat and potatoes before they get cold.I made your favorite dessert…apple pie.”
“You spoil me, Mom.”
“Come home more often and you’ll get all the favorite meals you want.”