Page 34 of Unlikely to Stay
Chapter 9
The heat had been beating down on the town square all day.Even with the abnormal temperature, people had come to Founding Day in droves.It was probably the biggest one in the history of Parker.Not only had CC seen almost the entire town walking around downtown at one point or another but there were also tons of lake-goers mingling among the natives.CC could tell by the bikini tops peeking out from under t-shirts and tank tops on the women and board shorts and flip flops on the men.
People had been walking in and out of CC’s shop all day, taking advantage of her sale on hair products and nail polish.Some had even had her give their hair a trim or paid for a spray tan to cover their winter white skin.
In between customers, CC had been going outside and watching the auction.The food auction had started that morning.Sadie had donated a variety of her famous pies and cakes.Annie had made her brownies, Megan from Griff’s contributed several desserts she made, and Susan, Griff’s mom, donated a pecan praline bread pudding.The sweets went quickly, raising over five hundred dollars.
CC couldn’t believe it.Five hundred dollars.All for her gym.If everything else donated was as successful as the cakes, pies, and other desserts, CC might not even have to scrounge her meager savings account to make up the rest.If she could just find some cheap labor…cheap labor that didn’t include Walter Wilson and his infamous butt crack.
Times like these, she was thankful she lived in a small town.The people were wonderful…well, for the most part.
The day continued, Griff and Wyatt rotating being auctioneer.The skis Mason donated from the marina went for five hundred dollars and the antique chest of drawers Harriett donated from the antique store went for seven hundred, Annie outbidding the rest of the people.
The auction wasn’t the only successful thing of the day.CC had mingled with the other people walking through the booths.She had eaten some of Terrance’s corn on the cob slathered in butter, indulged in the cheesy corndogs Franklin always made for Founding Day and had even bought some of Brandy’s handmade soaps and lotions from the drug store.It looked like every merchant in town was having a successful day, which made CC smile.She didn’t want to be the only one making money.
Despite what she told her friends about not having a table outside, when the sun went down and the bachelor auction was about to begin, CC found herself leaning against the brick wall of her storefront waiting for the parade of men to grace the stage.She told herself it wasn’t because she wanted to see who won the bid for Brant but the little voice inside her brain kept whispering she was a big, fat liar.
Being the stubborn person she was, CC bashed that little voice with an imaginary hammer and convinced her mind she was watching because she owed it to her friends.They were putting on this auctionfor her.She needed to be grateful for what they were doing.Even so, she couldn’t silence the annoying ass voice, no matter how big she made the imaginary hammer.
When Brant had finally stepped foot on the stage, she felt her breath hitch in her chest.She was used to seeing him walk by her shop in clothes he wore at the clinic.Usually button down shirts and slacks with those suspenders he favored.Today, he was more casual than she had ever seen him.And casual looked incredibly yummy on Brant Billings.
Due to the warm weather, Brant had donned a pair of slim fitting khaki shorts and paired them with a brown polo shirt that matched the color of his eyes.The shirt was tight-fitting, highlighting a broad chest and sculpted biceps that were always hidden underneath a white lab coat.His shorts clung to firm thighs, his calf muscles hinting he was possibly a runner.A pair of tan Sperrys were on his sockless feet.CC stifled the urge to run up to the stage and bid her shop as collateral.To hell with the auction raising money forher.
Instead, she balled her hands into fists by her sides and tried to portray the picture of nonchalance.Her eyes scanned the crowd of women still standing in front of the stage.There were alotof women waiting to bid on Brant.A lot of young, attractive women.Jealousy started to churn in her belly.Even though it was stupid, she didn’t want one of those young, attractive women winning Brant.Shewanted to be the one bidding on him.Too bad that wasn’t going to happen.
CC watched as the bidding went higher and higher and higher still.CC couldn’t believe her eyes when the two bidders turned out to be June Adams, whose claim to fame was her donkey, Rambo that she had raised from a baby, and Karen Posey, the high school math teacher.Why wasKarenbidding on Brant?
Karen kept to herself most of the time.Because they both worked at the school, she and Breckin had developed a close friendship.Breckin had even invited Karen to a few of the girls’ nights with Annie and CC.Karen had participated in a couple but never officially got close enough to either Annie or CC to do anything with them unless Breckin was with her.Even so, Karen bidding on Brant felt a bit like betrayal.
CC’s mouth gaped open when Griff hit his gavel on the podium.Brant had gone for a thousand dollars.One.Thousand.Dollars.CC couldn’t believe it.But what hit her harder than the amount was the fact Karen had won the bid.Beautiful Karen with the lithe body, long hair, and perfect smile.Karen with a college degree.Karen who was better than CC in every way.
It was just as well.She always knew Brant was out of her league.Now she could quit secretly pining over him.After all, he and Karen would probably fall in love and make beautiful babies.With a sigh, CC pushed off the wall and headed back into her shop.
Brant walkedoff the stage and headed toward the woman who had won him for a thousand dollars.He was still stunned by the amount.Stunned and incredibly grateful she had saved him from June’s crushing hugs and definite come-ons.
No one could say Karen wasn’t drop dead gorgeous.Karen’s raven black hair fell in a silken curtain to the middle of her back and her green eyes were as bright as an Oklahoma spring field.Her lithe frame reminded Brant of a dancer—she moved as if she were floating.If Brant were guessing, she probably stood five-ten as well.
“So, guess you won me.”
Karen smiled a perfect smile.“Guess I did.”
“Do you have anything special planned for me?”
“I do.”
“Do you care to let me know?”
All of a sudden, Breckin and Annie ran up to the duo, big smiles on their faces.“Karen!Thanks so much!You’re a lifesaver.”
Brant looked between the women in confusion.“What are you ladies talking about?”
Karen smiled at him again.“Don’t get me wrong, Brant.You are definitely one good looking man.But I don’t date.Besides, where in the world do you think a schoolteacher would come up with a thousand dollars to bid on you?That’s half my month’s salary.”
“So if you didn’t bid on me, who di—” Brant’s words trailed off as he put two and two together.“You had Karen bid on me, didn’t you?”
Annie and Breckin nodded.“We did.”