Page 60 of Unlikely to Stay
Chapter 15
CC arched her back and groaned.She was going to be feeling the effects of the day’s work tonight.A long soak in a steaming hot bubble bath was calling her name.Even though her finger was still bandaged, the stitches were on her left hand so she could still do the majority of the work without any hindrance.However, it sometimes made carrying things a bit awkward.
The sun had set about an hour ago, the lampposts turning on and lighting the brick sidewalks on both sides of Main.All the shops had closed at five with the exception of Sadie’s.CC could hear the faint conversations and laughter of people entering and leaving the café for Sadie’s Monday night special, whatever it was this week.CC’s stomach rumbled just thinking about it.
After inhaling all the yumminess that was Brant Billings, the two of them had gotten to work painting the walls of the building.It had literally taken them all day.They hadn’t even taken a long break for lunch, Brant running out and getting a pepperoni pizza and cherry Cokes at Lickety Split instead.They had sat in the middle of the floor and eaten in relaxed camaraderie.After an entire morningandafternoon of working like mad, they had done it.Brant and CC had painted the whole damn building.She still didn’t really know how they had accomplished it.
Halfway through the day, Annie and Wyatt had gotten Wyatt’s truck to go to Lowe’s in Lakeview.They needed to purchase some sort of specialty item for the pens at Sophie’s Haven that Nailed It didn’t carry.Annie wisely hadn’t said anything about Brant helping but she had definitely sent several knowing looks CC’s way when Brant wasn’t looking.
CC knew she was going to get a phone call that evening or the following day from her best friend wantingallthe details.Annie had probably already called Breckin and told her.It wouldn’t surprise CC if they had already started planning her wedding.
CC had chosen a blue-gray color for the main area and a pale, buttery yellow for the yoga and dance studio section.When she purchased the building, part of what drew her to it was the natural light that filtered through the big front windows every morning.She could picture a fun studio for women to gather and exercise together in the morning or evening.She knew plenty of women in town who could lead classes.She even planned on getting some sort of tinting for the windows.That way, the room would have the advantage of the natural light but would not be on display for people walking down Main Street.
She realized the sooner she got that tint, the better.Once word got out Brant was helping her with the gym not only would herfriendsbe planning her wedding, but the old lady gossip mill would have Brant and CC jumping in the sack before she could say exercise.That was something she wanted to avoid at all costs.Well, the rumor mill, that is.If the opportunity to jump in the sack with Brant presented itself, she would be all kinds of stupid to say no.
“So, whaddya think?”Brant was standing in the middle of the room, surveying their work.
She smiled at his appearance.Brant had a fleck of blue-gray on his chin and a streak of pale yellow in his hair.And the poor penguins on his suspenders…she was afraid they were black and white no more.
“I can’t believe we finished it,” he continued.
“I think the majority of the paint wound up on you and not on the walls,” she said, laughing.“How did you get so much on you?”
Brant looked down at his clothing before grinning and shrugging his shoulders.“I was always a messy painter.”
“You ruined your penguin suspenders.”
“I’ll just make ’em polka dotted penguin suspenders.All the little kids will love it.”
“If you say so.I still wish you had gone home to change into painting clothes first.At least mine are old and I don’t care if they get paint on them.”
“Like I said, I don’t mind.If I did, I would have gone to change.But I didn’t want to risk you changing your mind.”
“About what?”
“Me helping.”
CC laughed again.“Like I told you, Snaps, I don’t turn down free labor.”
CC walked over to him and snapped his suspenders against his chest.“I figure if you can give me a nickname, I can give you one, too.”
“But at least yours is cool.”
“Yes!Your freckles are adorable.One of these days, I hope you let me count them.”
CC’s breath hitched as he ran his finger down the bridge of her nose.“Count them?”she asked.
“Yep.Starting with my favorite one.”
“You have a favorite freckle?On me?”
“Absolutely.It’s the one right here.”Brant touched the back of her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.
“I have a freckle on the back of my ear?”