Page 83 of Unlikely to Stay
“Hey!”he yelled in protest.“I only painted you a little!”
“You painted me a little that first night.You painted me a little tonight.We’re even now.”
“Oh, no, we’re not!”Brant grabbed her arm and pulled her to him.
“Brant!Stop it!No more paint!”She giggled.
“Nope.Can’t stop it now.The paintbrush has a mind of its own.”He ran a zigzag paint line up her arm and neck before lingering on her cheek.
“Brant!Please!Don’t paint me anymore!”
“If I do decide not to paint you anymore, what’s in it for me?”
Colleen turned around in his arms until they were so close their noses were touching and he could feel her breath on his lips.“This.This is in it for you.”Wrapping her arms around his neck, her lips collided with his as she opened her mouth with her tongue.
Brant tangled his hands in her hair and deepened the kiss, letting his tongue explore her mouth.She tasted as sweet as the cherry gum she was chewing that evening.Cherry red hair, cherry red lips, cherry bubble gum.She was going to be the death of him.
His hands dropped to her waist before cupping her bottom in both hands and squeezing.He loved the gasp it elicited.
“Brant,” she moaned into his mouth.
“Do you like that?”he asked.“You have the nicest butt I have ever seen, Freckles.I should know.I admired it from a distance for some time when you avoided me like the plague.”
“Less talking,” she whispered.“More kissing.”Brant was happy to oblige.
He gently leaned down and rested her against the towels they were using to wipe the paint off each other.He kissed his way down her neck and collar bone, smiling at the small gasps he heard coming from between her lips.“There’s a freckle,” he said, kissing the one on her left shoulder.“And there’s another.Your guardian angel must really like you with all these angel kisses all over your body.”
Brant pulled her old t-shirt over her head, exposing a black sports bra that, amazingly, zipped in the front.“Oh,” he said.“I like this.”Taking his time, he unzipped the bra and took her in.Her chest was heaving in anticipation, her breasts perfect.She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.“So damn beautiful.”
He took one of her breasts in his mouth, smiling when she moaned and ran her fingers through his hair.His other hand ran up her side before reaching for her other breast, which he began kneading slowly.
“Holy shit,” she moaned.“God, that feels good.”
His fingers were running a trail down her stomach, about to make their way into the black leggings that fit her like a second skin, when he heard a “Yoohoo!Anybody here?”
He rested his head on her stomach and groaned.“If we’re quiet enough, do you think she’ll go away?”
“Nope,” Colleen said with a sigh.“Let’s get out there before she knocks down the door.”
Brant looked down at her face.Her lips were swollen with his kisses, her hair in a tangled mess.There was no way the person on the other side of the wall wouldn’t be able to figure out what they were doing.
“I’ll go try and stall her while you get dressed,” he said.
She nodded.“I’ll make it quick.”
Brant got up off the floor and adjusted himself with a sigh.He was going to be hurting tonight.Running a hand through his hair, he walked out of the room to answer the call.
Kelda was standing in the doorway, a bag of food in her hand and a big smile on her face.“I was beginning to think no one was here but then I saw your car outside,” she said knowingly.
“Nope.We just didn’t hear you,” he said.“Frec…I mean Colleen, made the walls soundproof so the noise from the regular room wouldn’t interfere with the dance and yoga classes.”
“Smart move,” Kelda said.“It’ll make teaching my class easier.”
“I didn’t know you were teaching a class.”
“Well, I mentioned it to CC a long time ago but she might have forgotten.I plan on teaching a Kamasutra class for the elderly,” she said.“There are alotof positions us old folks can still use, even if our bones aren’t as limber as they once were.”