Page 9 of Unlikely to Stay
“Sounds good.”
Megan walked up to the bar and slid Brant’s plate of food in front of him.“What sounds good?”
“Brant’s gonna watch a basketball game with Wyatt and me next weekend.It’ll be nice to have someone there other than Wyatt and the girls.Not that I don’t love him and all, but I get tired of his ugly mug being the only one I see.”
Megan giggled.“Well, it’s about time you decided to break out of your hermit state and venture out into the real world.”
“I’m not a hermit!I’m here right now.Around people.The very opposite definition of a hermit.”
“Then I’m glad you decided to come out and socialize with other people.Look at you go!”Megan pumped her fist and pretended to make the sound of a large crowd of fans at a sporting event.
Brant rolled his eyes.“You’re a dork.”
“A dork that makes kickass sandwiches.”
“That is a definite truth.”
Megan shot him a wink.“Next time.”
“What next time?”
“Next time you’re going to order something new.I can feel it.You’re branching out, Brant Billings.Like a caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly.”