Page 19 of Playing for Love
JJ put a hand on her hip. “How come?”
“Because Irma told you to clean your room. And you ignored her. It’s not getting turned on until your room is clean.”
JJ sighed. “Fine.”
Jamal turned back to Cassie and grinned. “Now that I’ve dealt with one difficult woman in my life, let’s get back to the problem another difficult woman in my life has.”
Cassie gave him her best glare. “I amnota woman in your life.”
“Technically, you’re in my house. We spent all day together yesterday. I think that qualifies as you being in my life,” he smirked. Walking to the cherry wood dresser sitting in the corner of the room, Jamal opened a drawer and took out a pair of boxer briefs.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” Cassie shrieked. “You can’t take off your clothes in front of me!”
“You’re the one who came barging in my room, Bambi. My room, my rules. And my rules say I can put my clothes on whenever I want to.”
Cassie turned her back before she could see Jamal drop the towel. Lord only knows what her libido would do once he was fully naked. Cassie bit back a sigh as she visualized what Jamal’s bare butt would look like. Nope. Not. Going. There.
“Ok, Bambi, I’m decent. No ruining of your morals. At least not today.”
Cassie turned around to see Jamal smirking at her and rolled her eyes. “Seriously? You are so immature.”
He held up his hands in an innocent gesture. “What? I’m just stating the inevitable.”
“You are so, so –”
“Hot? Sexy? Irresistible? Drool-worthy?”
“I was thinking more along the lines of immature, annoying and insufferable.”
“That’s only three, Bambi,” Jamal said as he started stalking his way toward her. Cassie began walking backward until she felt her legs bump the back of the bed. “I gave you four. That means I win.”
“Fine,” she stuttered. “Self-absorbed. That’s four. Ha.”
“Ok, Bambi. You won the prize for bigger vocabulary. Wanna know what the prize is?”
Cassie felt her heart kick start behind her ribs and felt her breath hitch.An orgasm,she thought.
“Nope,” she said instead, trying ridiculously hard to not seem affected by his presence.
Jamal leaned down and placed his arms on either side of Cassie’s legs, forcing her to sit down on the edge of the mattress. “Now, that’s a lie. I can see it in your face.”
“You wish,” she muttered, staring him down and trying desperately to hide how breathless he was making her.
“Are you two gonna kiss?” Jamal leaped back from Cassie like she had prodded him with a hot cattle prod. Jaydence was standing in the doorway, the hand on her hip fitted into a softball glove.
“Do you evernotwear that thing, kiddo?” Cassie asked, jumping off the bed and shoving Jamal out of the way.
“Stop changing the subject, Cass. Even with your mondo black eye I can see how red your face is. My daddy wassogonna kiss you.”
“Whatever,” Cassie responded, bypassing JJ and walking out of the room. “I’m going home.”
“You weresogonna kiss her, daddy-o. Just admit it,” Cassie heard JJ say to her dad.
Cassie didn’t stay to hear his reply. She just wanted to get the hell out of Dodge and away from the man she desperately wanted to kiss her.