Page 21 of Playing for Love
“You’re damn right it will,” Aria grumbled. “And I guarantee it will look way better than that shiner you’re sporting.”
“True story, Cass,” Callie agreed. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
“I look like a clown?”
Aria threw her makeup sponge down and got off the bed. “That’s it! I’ve been insulted enough! I quit!”
“No, Aria!” Cassie said, wrapping her friend in a bear hug and throwing Aria back on the bed. “I need you! You’re my only hope!”
Aria pulled Cassie’s arms from around her middle and sighed. “Ok, Eskimo. I’ll help. But you better not whine.”
“I pinky swear, Aria. No whining. Just make it disappear.”
Callie smiled at Cassie and gave her a thumbs up. “You won’t even recognize yourself in ten minutes, Cass. She works wonders.”
“I better be able to,” Aria said. “That’s one doozie of a shiner. Even I’ll be impressed with myself if I can make this one go away.”
Cassie stared at herself in the mirror in wonder. “Aria. You. Are. Amazing!”
The dark purple and black shiner that she had sported twenty minutes ago was nothing but smooth porcelain skin, soft peach and cream shimmer eyeshadow and a smoky brown eyeliner.
“I am pretty amazing,” Aria agreed, putting the last eye pencil into her makeup bag before zipping it up. “That was one hell of a black eye.”
“Like I said before, Itoldyou she could fix it,” Callie smiled a Cheshire cat smile at Cassie. “If I hadn’tseenthe black eye, I never would have known. She’s a miracle worker.”
“Yeah, yeah. I can only take so many compliments a day before my head gets so big it won’t fit through the door, so I’m heading out.”
Cassie grabbed her friend in a bear hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, Aria! You are the best.”
“That’s what they all tell me. We just have to make sure to get therereallyearly tomorrow so I’m not rushed. A masterpiece likethattakes time. Not to mention I have to make myself look presentable, too.”
“You always look presentable, Ar,” Callie told her.
“I know. I just have to appear humble sometimes. Dad says it makes me more likeable. Now, I’m going shopping for more jewelry to wear for the wedding.” With a wink, Aria slammed the door behind her.
Cassie looked at her best friend who was more like her sister than a friend. “You’re getting married tomorrow.”
Callie stared at her and softly smiled. “Yeah. I’m getting married tomorrow. Now stop looking at me all sad. You’ll ruin the makeup Aria just applied, she’ll kill me and I’ll never get to get married.”
Cassie laughed. She was so happy for her friend, but she was really going to miss her.
“Today’s the day, big man. You ready to back out yet?” Jamal and Kyle were in the dressing room of the Myriad Gardens, waiting on their cue to walk down the aisle.
Kyle grinned. “Not even close. In fact, it’s taking too long.”
Jamal tried not to roll his eyes. He knew it was his best friend’s big day, but he didn’t see how he could be so excited to get married. Be with one woman his entire life. The media portrayed Jamal as a playboy even though he wasn’t. Still, the thought of that responsibility had him shuddering. JJ was quite enough responsibility for him. But then he thought of Bambi and paused. Suddenly being tied down to one woman for the rest of his life didn’t seem like such a burden, which was weird, since he barely even knew the woman.
“What’s with the cheesy-ass grin, Jamal?”
“Not much. Just thinkin’ ‘bout how you gonna be so whipped before you even get back from your honeymoon.”
“That’s not a smile that comes with thinking about me being whipped. That’s a smile that has to do with a certain dark-eyed, dark-haired bookworm if I’m guessing.”