Page 24 of Playing for Love
“The first time we officially met, I know you hated me,” Kyle was saying with a smile. “But then you agreed to play me in a game of horse. I was never so happy to win a game in my life.”
The people in attendance laughed softly. “You are my other half, my biggest fan, my best friend. I know you said you didn’t date professional athletes, so I’m glad I ruined my knee. If I hadn’t, you might have stuck with that stupid rule and I wouldn’t be marrying the most beautiful, intelligent, stubborn woman in the entire universe. I love you, Callie, with all that I am. I can’t wait to start our forever together.”
Cassie held the tears at bay until she heard her best friend start talking. Then, no matter how much she tried, the waterworks started.
“I did despise you when you ran into me in that parking garage and didn’t even realize who I was,” Callie began. “I didn’t trust you and was so mad that I lost the game of horse that I thought about squelching on our bet. But my daddy always taught me that was a classless thing to do, so I figured I could tolerate you until our five hang-outs were over. But little by little, you chipped away at my walls. By the fifth hang-out, I was a goner. I love you for who you are. I love that you love my wild hair in the mornings. I love that you share the last bite of dessert with me even if you want it for yourself. I love that you picked up a stray cat for me and took it to your home, even when it puked in your beloved car. You are my home. You are the best bet I ever lost.”
Cassie looked around the attendees. There wasn’t a dry eye in the whole bridge.
“You may kiss the-“
Before the preacher could even finish the words, Kyle had Callie in his arms, leaning her over and kissing her like she was air he needed to breathe.
“Well, they beat me to it, ladies and gentleman,” the preacher continued with a laugh and shake of his head. “So I guess I should pronounce them man and wife now. Here they are – Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Kelly. Come up for air, you two.”
Cassie handed Callie her bouquet back amid cheers from the crowd. As Callie and Kyle head down the aisle to the reception area, Cassie met Jamal in the center of the path and took his arm.
“That was some kiss, huh, Bambi? Too bad it wouldn’t hold a candle to me kissing you,” Jamal whispered in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.
“You’re awfully convinced that is going to happen, aren’t you, mister?” she responded as they reached the hallway, hoping he couldn’t see how he affected her. “Too bad I have no interest in taking you up on that offer.”
“You should never gamble, Bambi,” he said softly, looking directly in her eyes.
“And why is that, exactly?” she asked breathlessly.
“Because your eyes tell it all. And right now, they’re telling me how much you want to take me up on that kiss.”
Jamal leaned in so close that Cassie could smell the peppermint on his breath. With a sigh, Cassie moved in closer until their faces were inches apart. Jamal’s lips met hers in the softest kiss she had ever felt from a man. Leaning her up against the wall, Jamal placed his hands on either side of her face and deepened the kiss. Her lips parted to let him in, their tongues intertwining, their lips pressing harder together as the kiss became more urgent. Before she could pull him in, Jamal leaned back and looked at her.
“I knew it,” he said softly.
“Knew what?”
“That you would taste like sugar.”
Cassie wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he leaned in for another kiss. Jamal wrapped one arm around her waist as the other hand landed on the wall next to her head. Cassie pulled him in, willing him to get closer to her, wanting the feel of his body next to hers.
“I knew it! You big fat liars! I knew you wanted to kiss her!” Jamal and Cassie leaped apart as JJ’s voice announced her presence as she caught the duo in the act.
“Hey, kiddo,” Jamal said with a ruffle to her hair. “You have the worst timing known to man. Have I ever told you that?”
“Whatever, daddy-o,” JJ said, grabbing her dad’s hand. “You owe me a dance. Then you can kiss Cassie as much as you want. Even thoughIthink that kissing isdisgusting.”
“You need to keep that attitude until you’re thirty, kid,” Jamal said, giving Cassie an eyebrow raise over his daughter’s head. “Now let’s head to that dance floor. I hear “Now Watch Me Whip, Now Watch me Nae Nae” playing, and you know I can whip something fierce.”
“Whatever you say, dad. We both know I can out Nae-Nae you any day.”
“What wasthat?!” Aria walked up to Cassie and shoved her in the arm.
“What was what?” Cassie asked, her fingers on her lips. Wowzers, did that man know how to kiss. She leaned back against the wall, giving her Jell-O legs time to recover. She didn’t think she could even walk to the reception area without help.
“That whole tonsil hockey you were playing with mister hottie point guard, that’s what,” Aria said with a smirk. “That. Was. Hot. Hot as in, even I’m feeling the Jell-O in your legs hot, Eskimo. Wowzers. I didn’t even know you had that in you. Have you been reading a kissing manual in between all that studying you do?”
“I don’t kiss and tell, Aria.”