Page 35 of Playing for Love
Cassie punched him on the shoulder. “Whatever.”
Jamal pulled her against his chest. “Not whatever. For real.” He leaned down to brush his lips against hers but then jumped back at the sound of Irma’s voice.
“Mr. Jenkins, it’s in bad taste to kiss a woman before you even introduce him to your entirefamily!” Irma pulled Cassie out of his embrace and looked her up and down.
“My, my, my. You’re even prettier than JJ and Jamal said,” Irma exclaimed. “You like my boy, Jamal? He’s a good boy. Don’t break his heart. I know a thousand Puerto Rican ways to kill you where no one can find the body.”
Cassie stared at Irma in shock. “Wha-what?” She stammered.
Jamal rolled his eyes and grabbed Cassie’s hand out of Irma’s grasp. “Come on, Bambi. We gotta go. Don’t want to be late for your first Thunder game.”
JJ took Cassie’s hand out of Jamal’s and placed each of her hands in one of theirs. “Let’s do this, daddy. And don’t worry about Cassie. I’ll teacher her the ropes.”
“Like you taught me how to play softball?” Cassie asked, swinging JJ’s hand back and forth.
“Even better. In this game, I won’t have to teach you to dodge the ball.”
“Thunder up! Thunder up!” Cassie was screaming along with the eighteen thousand other Thunder fans packed in Chesapeake Arena to watch the game. She never thought of herself as a sports fan, but then again, she never sat courtside. She could hear what the coach was saying to the players, not that she understood anything being said. Still, it was pretty cool. She even sat by Toby Keith, who JJ told her was a country music star, and Bob Stoops, who JJ said was the head coach for the OU football team. Even Cassie knew that was a big deal, although she had never been to one ofthosegames either.
“Told you this was awesome!” JJ yelled at Cassie. “Nothing better than a Thunder game. I’d love it even if my daddy wasn’t the star.”
Cassie had to agree. Jamal was most definitely the star. Even if it didn’t show it on the jumbo Tron, Cassie had been keeping count of his points. So far, he had twenty and they were only three minutes into the second half.
“I have to agree that you’re right, kid. Think I’ve been yelling enough to earn a t-shirt for all the students in my class?”
“You teach?” JJ asked in a surprising voice.
“Sure do.”
“What grade?”
“First,” Cassie yelled over the noise.
“Interested in jumpin’ a grade? My second grade teacher’s the pits. All we do iswork!”
“I’m sorry to say that comes with the territory, kid.” Cassie smiled. “And I’m sure the elite private school where your dad pays big money for you to attend doesn’t have crappy teachers.”
“What’s elite mean?” JJ asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.
“The best of the best.”
“Like the Thunder?” JJ asked with a grin.
“Definitely like the Thunder.” Cassie returned the smile. She sure did love this kid.
“So, whaddya think?” The game had paused to take a mandatory commercial break. Jamal had turned in his seat on the bench to ask her the question.
“Aren’t you supposed to be paying attention?”
“Aw, Coach Grant knows I’m payin’ attention. I’m a multi-tasker. Speaking of multi-tasker-“
Jamal’s eyes looked up at the jumbo Tron where the kissing cam was catching several couples throughout the arena locked in a smooch.
“No way, Jamal. Not on your life!” But before Cassie could say another word, Jamal had jumped over the seats and pulled her in for a kiss.