Page 49 of Playing for Love
“I’m not an idiot, dad. I might be a kid, but I know hard work is the key to success. You’ve told me that like a million times. How could I forget?”
“I see OU in your future, JJ,” Cassie said. “You’re on your way to being totally awesome!”
JJ grinned and Jamal’s heart felt as big as the ocean. This woman was truly something special.
“So why didn’t you do what Kyle and Callie thought you were gonna do? Your fortune cookie even deemed it so.” Aria was sitting cross-legged on Cassie’s bed, eating Braum’s cookies and cream ice cream right from the cart. An empty Domino’s pizza box was sitting next to her.
“How can you eat the way you do and still stay so skinny? And why are you eating on my bed?” Cassie asked, ignoring the question. “Don’t you have your own room?”
“I have good metabolism. And I’m a Thunder dancer. I work it all off. And to answer your other question, I’m washing my sheets,” Aria shrugged. “I was cold and needed to curl up with a blanket.”
“Why didn’t you sit on the couch then?” Cassie grumbled. “I better not find pizza crust crumbs in my bed or there will be heck to pay.”
“Aw, you’re so cute when you don’t use curse words,” Aria winked at Cassie, still not giving up her perch on Cassie’s bed.
“And you’re so annoying when you don’t listen to a word I say.”
“Man, Cassie, you really do need to get laid,” Aria said, settling back into Cassie’s pillows and stretching her legs, taking the ice cream carton with her. “You’re a grouch. Like I said, you should’ve taken Kyle and Callie up on their offer.”
Cassie threw up her hands and rolled her eyes so far back in her head she felt like she could almost see her brain. “What is with all my friends lately? You’re all crazy and you’re way too invested in my love life!”
“Just trying to help a sister out.”
“Need I remind you he wasn’t even the one to offer?! It was something Callie and Kylesuggested. They didn’t take into consideration that he might not want to doanythingwith me.”
Arai rolled her eyes at Cassie. “Pu-lease. He gave it the ol’ in bed after a fortune cookie line junior high girls and boys use when they’re really feelingscandalous.”
“He doesn’t even know about my past, Ar,” Cassie said quietly. “I’m damaged goods.”
Aria’s eyes softened in understanding. “Oh, Cass. If he knew what happened to you he wouldn’t care. He’s not that kind of guy. You should know that by now.”
Cassie did know. That was part of the problem. Even though he was a stellar guy and he probablywouldn’tcare about her past, she knew he didn’t deserve the kind of baggage that Cassie carried on her shoulders on a regular basis.
“Have you eventhoughtabout telling him?” Aria asked, handing Cassie a spoon.
“I don’t want to eat off your spoon, Ar, but thanks,” Cassie said with a frown.
“It’s notmyspoon, dummy,” Aria said, pulling her spoon out of the carton and holding it in the air for Cassie to see.
“Then were didthis onecome from?”
“I accidentally grabbed two out of the spoon jar on the way to your room and was too lazy to take it back to the kitchen, so I left it by me on the bed,” Aria grinned. “I actually was just saving it for you. My ESP told me it was an ice cream day. I knew you would need it. I’ve just prepared the carton for you, sweet cheeks. Now the ice cream has that tiny bit of softness to it, making it perfect for scooping big spoonfuls at a time. I was really thinking of you.”
“Sure you were,” Cassie rolled her eyes and flopped back on her bed, hugging her favorite ‘When life gives you chocolate, eat it all and tell no one’ pillow. Grabbing the carton from Aria, she took a big spoonful and stuffed it in her mouth.
“You’re going to get a brain freeze if you eat it like that,” Aria stated. “You need tosavor.”
“When did my life get so complicated, huh, Aria Ann?” Cassie asked. “My life used to be simple. I went to school. I studied. I studied some more. I observed classrooms. I started student teaching. The most difficult part of my life was trying to be the mediator of an argument between first graders because one child stayed on a swing too long. Then I meet Jamal at the wedding and then-”
“Then your life got super, duper deliciously entertaining because an incredibly hot NBA basketball player wants in your pants,” Aria raised her eyebrows and took another bite of her ice cream. “And that is thetruth. Just go with it, honey. Live a little. Lord knows you need to let loose a little.”
“Aria! I’m loose!” Cassie exclaimed. Aria only stared at her, a disbelieving look on her face and an ice cream spoon in her mouth.
“Fine, I guess I need to lighten up. A little.”