Page 64 of Playing for Love
Cassie looked up and caught Jamal laughing. “You shut it, jerkface,” she said as she was led around the track to where he was standing. “This isnoteasy!”
Jamal grinned and winked at her. “Maybe not for you. But us super athletic Jenkins have no trouble on them.”
Cassie rolled her eyes and huffed in frustration. “I’m just along for the ride now. Brian here thinks I’m going to wreck it or something,” she called as she went by.
“Good call, Brian,” Jamal called. “You don’t want her to ruin the equipment!”
Cassie threw both hands in the air at his comment. “Careful, Bambi! You don’t want to fall off the thing!”
“Hey, daddy! Did you see how good I did? I’m a Segway pro!” JJ parked her Segway and exited the track. “Poor Cassie’s not doing so hot.”
Jamal tugged the bill of his daughter’s cap up and down, eliciting a laugh from her. “No, she’s not. But we can’t tell her she’s the worse Segway rider of all time,” he said in a loud whisper.
“I heard that!” Cassie walked up to JJ and Jamal and elbowed him in the ribs. “And I wasn’tthatbad!”
JJ pulled Cassie down to her level and looked her in the eye. “Cassie, look at that old lady riding it right now. She’s way older than Irma and she’s getting it. You suck. But it’s ok, cuz we still love ya,” she said, wrapping her tiny arms around Cassie in a hug.
Cassie caught Jamal’s eyes at JJ’s words, a stunned, embarrassed look on her face. Jamal’s face softened in response. Grabbing her hand in his, he lifted it to his lips and kissed it gently. “We think you’re pretty special, Bambi,” he said, loving the look in her eyes. He didn’t know what he was feeling, but if love felt like this then he was falling. And falling hard.
Not wanting to make the moment awkward, he tugged on her hand. “Come on, Bambi. I want to show youmyfavorite part of the museum.”
JJ rolled her eyes. “I totally know where we’re going, Cass. But I have to admit, it is pretty cool.”
Jamal led her into a darkened hallway with a huge white board on the left side of a small room. “What is this?” she asked.
“Watch,” Jamal replied, running over to press a button on a box on the opposite wall. “Just don’t look directly in the light.”
Jamal took two big steps until he was in front of the white wall. He turned and mimicked a basketball shooting pose. The beeps sounded and the camera went off, making an exact replica of Jamal’s shadow on the white wall.
“That’s so neat!” she exclaimed.
“You think that’s cool? Watch this!” JJ replied. She ran over to Jamal and asked him, “Favorite pose, daddy-o?”
Jamal grinned. “You got it, kid. Cassie, can you hit the button?”
Cassie walked over to the button as Jamal and JJ got into position. “We’re ready!”
Jamal again heard the beeping countdown. As soon as the camera caught their pose, he heard Cassie let out a laugh. Backing up from the wall, he saw the pose that always made him smile. JJ had posed with her leg up in a karate kick, her hands in a chopping position. Jamal had leaned over, holding his stomach, acting like his daughter had kicked him right in the gut.
“That’s a good one,” Cassie said, laughter in her eyes. “Let’s all do one together now.”
In the first, Cassie looked like she was punching Jamal. The second, all three of them held hands and jumped in the air just as the camera went off. Jamal even got a surprise one in, kissing Cassie’s cheek as she was pretending to give a flower to JJ.
“Ok, guys. I’m seeing lights flash before my eyes now,” he said, taking both their hands and pulling them out of the hallway. “Are you ready to go eat?”
They both nodded their heads in agreement. “I think it’s only fair since we woke Cassie up that she gets to decide where we eat. What do you say, JJ?”
JJ nodded her head. “That’s fair. So, where we gonna eat, huh, Cassie?”
“That’s an easy decision. Do you like pizza?”
JJ stared at her. “I’m eight. What do you think? I love pizza!”
“So what pizza place are we going to, Cassie?” he asked.
“A place called Hideaway.”