Page 66 of Playing for Love
His daughter leaned up and whispered in Cassie’s ear. “He issothat bad! Don’t do it, Cass. You’ll regret it.”
Cassie laughed, sending a wink his way. “No singing from Jamal. Got it.”
Damn, the thought.How can a woman be adorable and sexy at the same time?With her long hair pulled back in a Thunder hat she had found in his backseat, her chocolate brown eyes framed by beautiful, dark lashes and her fair skin glowing under the light above their table, she was the most innocent, cutest thing he had ever seen. But then, as he got to check out her ass and shapely legs the entire time they were in in Science Museum, her leggings leaving nothing to the imagination, all he could think of was peeling those leggings down her legs and unwrapping her like his favorite Christmas present. Not only was she cute, she was also so damn sexy he didn’t know what to do.
“Why are you lookin’ at Cassie likes she’s got something wrong with her?” JJ asked, staring at him from across the table. This was one of those times he wished his daughter wasn’t so observant.
“She doesn’t have anything wrong with her, kid. In fact, I was thinking about how pretty she looks today.”
Jamal was rewarded with a blush that crept onto Cassie’s cheeks and a small smile his way. He loved being the one to make her blush. He loved it even more when he made her smile.Thatwas something he could do for the rest of his life.
“Now he’s got his thinkin’ face on, Cass. What do you think he’s thinking about?”
Cassie made eye contact with him, locking her eyes on his face. “I don’t know,” she said softly. “Maybe about how good the pizza is going to be.”
“That’s most definitelynotwhat I am thinking, Bambi,” he said, keeping his eyes on her. “But I think you probably know that already.”
Cassie turned even redder than she was. He could tell she was trying to figure out what to say. He saw her breathe a side of relief as their waiter walked up to their table, holding a huge plate of fried pickles.
“Oh Em Gee!” JJ said, her eyes wide as she looked at the plate. “Those looks delicious!”
“They are delicious,” Cassie said, breaking eye contact with him so she could smile JJ’s way.
Jamal grinned. He could tell he was breaking down the walls she had so constructed. Now if he could just worm his way into her thoughts like she was his.
JJ took a heap of pickles and poured an even bigger pool of ranch dressing on her plate. Taking a huge bite of one, Jamal saw her eyes widen in shock.
Daddy-o, these are the best fried pickles I’veever had!How come you haven’t brought me here before, hmmmm?”
“Because I didn’t know about this place before, kiddo. But we’ll definitely be coming back.”
Jamal saw Cassie putting an equally large amount of pickles on her plate. “Are you going to save any for me, ladies?” he asked, blocking Cassie’s fork from getting more. “I’d like to eat some, too.”
“Then you better hurry,” Cassie said, knocking his fork out of the way and grabbing a few more pickles. “You snooze, you lose. I don’t like sharing food.”
Jamal laughed, dipping a pickle in ranch dressing and popping it in his mouth. The batter on the pickle was better than any other one he had ever had. He could also tell the ranch was homemade. “Theyareamazing, Bambi. Thanks for bringing us here.”
“You think the pickles are good? Just wait until you try the pizza.”
Cassie grinned at the looks on JJ and Jamal’s faces. Both of them had just taken a bite of pizza that was delivered by their waiter a few minutes ago. Pure bliss shone on their faces.
“Oh, man, Cassie,” JJ said, her mouth full of food. “This is the best pizza I’ve ever had!”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full, kid,” Jamal said, his mouth equally full.
“How aboutbothof you don’t talk with your mouths full,” Cassie laughed. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
JJ swallowed and took a big gulp of her soda. “What does that mean?”
“It means you are a lot like your daddy, kid,” Cassie said with a smile.
JJ shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve heard worse things about myself.”
“Hey!” Jamal exclaimed, trying unsuccessfully to give his daughter his best frown. “I’m a pretty good guy.”
JJ smiled at her dad, the pizza crust from the slice she devoured sticking out of her mouth like a cigar. “I guess you’re a keeper, daddy-o,” she said, grinning around her cigar crust.