Page 70 of Playing for Love
“Do so. You know what I do to over-thinkers?”
Cassie had a feeling she knew what he did to over-thinkers. She also had a feeling she would really, really like it.
“There’s that look again,” he said, “Good thing I know what to do about it.”
Jamal gently grabbed her face in both his hands. Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to her lips. Cassie pulled away from him, hating herself for it. But she had to her point across. Not everything could be solved with a kiss. Even though a soft, simple kiss had her knees weak.
“So the only thing you can do is shut me up with a kiss?” she asked. “That won’t work all the time, Ja-”
Cassie was again silenced by Jamal’s lips on hers. Although this time, instead of a chaste peck on the lips, Jamal placed his hand behind her head and pulled her in closer, pressing his lips against hers with an urgency that left her breathless. He gently prodded her lips open, his tongue seeking hers as he explored her mouth with his. Cassie heard herself moan as she wrapped her arms around him, wanting to get her body as close to his as possible. She hadneverkissed a man like she was kissing Jamal. Her legs turned to Jell-O like she just ran a marathon. As if sensing her body’s response to the kiss, Jamal tightened his arms around her waist as he moved his kisses up her jawline to the sensitive spot by her ear.
“Hell-O!Could you guys stop kissing for a second so I can get my kisses and then hang out with Callie and Kyle? Puh-lease! Besides, I’ve told you, your kind of kissing is totallygross!”
Cassie broke away from Jamal, a blush on her face and gasping for breath.
“Yeah, could you two break it up? You’re beinggross!”Callie was standing in the doorway of her house, her arms crossed across her chest and a knowing look on her face. “Not to mention my neighbor’s mightsee.”She gasped and put her hand on her mouth.
Cassie shot a glare her friend’s way. “Not funny, Callie.”
“Yeah, it isway funny, my friend,” Callie replied. “JJ and I can go in the house and give you a few minutes to continue, if you need it.”
“What’s going on?” Kyle came up behind Callie and wrapped his arm around her waist. “Why are we all outside? Did I miss something?”
“If you consider Cassie and Jamal making out, then yes, you totally missed something,” she replied, planting a kiss on her husband’s cheek.
“Oh, Ididmiss something! I need a recap!” he said, pointing to Cassie and Jamal. “Can I get a recap?”
Cassie rolled her eyes and shot daggers her friend’s way. “You guys are ridiculous. Can we just go in and tuck JJ in?”
“Cass, it’s only nine-thirtyanda Friday. Don’t you know I have no bedtime on the weekends? Most days I sleep on the couch since dad won’t let me have a TV in my room.”
“Well, then, let’s just, I don’t know, go in and do something that doesn’t involve me kissing your dad. It’s embarrassing.”
“I feel you, Cassie,” JJ said, coming up to Cassie and grabbing her hand. “Besides, kissing is gross. Let’s just pinky swear you won’t do that with my dad ever again.”
Cassie started to hold her pinky out to promise JJ, but before they could make it official, Jamal grabbed Cassie’s pinky and pushed away his daughter’s hand.
“Not happening, kiddo,” he said. “Although I admire your effort to keep Cassie away from my grossness. But Icanpinky promise you one thing. Even thoughyouthought it was gross, I can guarantee you Cassie doesn’t feel the same way. Huh, Cassie?” Jamal raised his eyes, staring at Cassie and expecting an answer. Cassie also looked JJ’s way to see her expression mimicking her dad’s.
“I’m just going in the house,” Cassie said. “You guys can follow me or not. But I’m not talking about it anymore and I’ll never tell. Case. Closed.”
As Cassie was stomping up the steps, she heard Jamal whisper to his daughter, “You haven’t seen the last of our kissing, kiddo. Trust me, she definitely liked it.”
“Gross,” she heard JJ say in return.
“Told ya there’d be chemistry,” Callie said as Cassie past her, a triumphant look on her face. “Fireworks, Cass. Fire. Works.”
Even though Cassie rolled her eyes, she felt her heart respond to her friend’s words. There were most definitely fireworks in that kiss. The only problem was once Jamal found out about her past, she was afraid those fireworks would go up in flames.
Jamal couldn’t wipe the grin off his face. He had never kissed a woman the way he had just kissed Cassie. Well, except for the last time he kissed the same woman at his friend’s wedding. If Cassie were a drug, he would be addicted for sure. He didn’t think he would ever stop craving the feel of her lips on his.
“Why are you smilin’ like a banshee?” Kyle asked, patting Jamal on the back as he crossed the threshold.
“If you have to ask, then you’re blind,” Jamal replied.
“Oh, I’m not blind. I just want to see if you’ll admit what I already know.”