Page 74 of Playing for Love
Jamal rolled his eyes. “She doesn’t have me by theballs.”
“Just you wait, man. Just. You. Wait.”
Jamal walked into the kitchen to see Callie and Cassie sitting on a pair of barstools at the kitchen island, leaning close to one another and whispering.
“What’s with all the secrecy, ladies?” he asked, walking up behind Cassie and placing a hand on her shoulder. “Have you decided whether you want to go on a date with me or if you’d like to call it a night?”
JJ came bounding up to the island and plopped herself down on Cassie’s lap, wrapping her arms around Cassie’s neck. “Come on, Cass. Whaddya say? You should totally go out on adatewith my daddy. Even though I still thinking kissing is gross.”
Cassie smiled. “I guess I can go on a date with your daddy, since you say I should. Where do you think we should go?”
“Chuck E. Cheese!” JJ exclaimed excitedly. “Everybody loves that place.”
All the adults in the room laughed. “Thanks for the suggestion, kid, but we’reprobablynot going to Chuck E. Cheese this go round,” Jamal told his daughter.
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.Especiallysince I always get more tickets than you. And it’s not like you want all the prizes and stuff.”
Cassie nodded her head. “We absolutelydon’twant you to miss the Chuck E. Cheese fun. We’ll just have to do something else. Think your daddy has any good ideas?”
JJ shrugged her shoulders. “That was myonlyidea. And dad’s never been on a date before, so I doubt he has any. But it’s probably worth a try.”
Cassie laughed and shot Jamal a look. Jamal mimicked his daughter and shrugged his shoulders, too. “What can I say? The media likes to portray me as something I’m not.”
“What does portray mean?” JJ asked.
“Act like something,” Callie explained. “Kinda like I danced for the Thunder so everyone automatically thought I was a girly girl.”
JJ blew her lips in disbelief. “You are totallynota girly girl. I was surprised you even wanted to wear adressat your wedding!”
“Aria and Cassie had to convince me to,” Callie told her in a conspiratorial whisper. “Or I would have worn my favorite sweatpants.”
“Iknewit!” JJ said triumphantly. “Andyoumade me wear adressanyway? Totally not cool, Cal.”
“Well, if I had to wear one, I figured everyone else would need to wear one, too, just so I didn’t looktoooverdressed.”
“Makes sense,” JJ agreed. “When I get married, I’m wearing a softball suit.”
Cassie shook her head. “Oh, girl, what has your daddy done to you? Hasn’t Irma tried to instill some girly in you atall?”
“She tried. I just made it too hard for her. She said I was too feisty and could wear what I want from now on.”
“Give me a couple of shopping trips. I’ll show you how to look cute and still be comfy.”
JJ wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think so, but I guess I’ll give it a shot. But you’re not taking away my softball stuff. Got it?”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Cassie agreed. She held out her finger in a pinky swear. JJ took it and grinned.
JJ turned to her dad. “I guess I gotta gogirlshopping, daddy. Can I go tomorrow?”
Jamal looked at Cassie. “It’s up to her.”
Cassie smiled. “Tomorrow sounds like a perfect girl’s day to me.”
“Can I come?” Callie asked. “I’m always up for a girl’s day with two of my favorite girls in the whole world.”