Page 76 of Playing for Love
“I never said I was a sports fan,” she said with a shrug of her shoulders. “So that’s where you play. Why don’t you practice there?”
“Because other events are held there, too. Concerts, conferences. Things like that. So they gave us this fancy schmancy workout facility so we can practice any time we want so we can earn those big salaries they like to dole out to all the famous athletes.”
“That still doesn’t answer why we are here.”
“Easy,” he replied, pulling her hand up to his lips so he could kiss the back of it. “I’m going to teach you how to play basketball.”
Cassie’s eyes widened like a deer in headlights. “I don’t think that is such a good idea, Jamal.”
“And why is that, Bambi?”
“You said it yourself. Callie, Kyle and JJ all know it, too. Isuckat sports.”
“Good thing it’s all in fun then, huh? I’ll even let you put on one of my practice jerseys. I told you I wanted to see you in one of my shirts.”
“So are you just teaching me how to play or are we going to play, like competitively?”
“Whatever you want, Bambi.”
Callie grinned the one he loved most, the full-throttle one that crinkled her eyes and nose and made her look even younger than her twenty-three years. The one that was totally carefree, where he didn’t see any sadness from her past in her eyes. Because even though she was mostly joyful, Jamal could sometimes see the sadness lurking in their depths. He just hoped one day she would open up to him completely. But for now, he’d take the happiness he was seeing on her face that he knew was reflecting on his.
“Then I want you to teach meandI want to play you. I think I might be really good at this game. Maybe even good enough to beat you,” she added, poking him in the chest.
Jamal grinned. He was more than willing to let her win if it kept that grin on her face.
Cassie’s eyes widened in awe as she and Jamal entered the Thunder’s training facility. The duo walked down a carpeted hallway, doors lining either side. Cassie peeked through each open door they passed. She saw a conference room, a room holding a bunch of chairs facing one of the biggest televisions Cassie had ever seen and what looked like a sauna room.
“That’s our film room. You know, where we-”
“Watch film?” she asked, poking him in the belly. “I’m so surprised.”
She laughed at the look on his face.
“Down the hall, there’s a big room with a sauna, several hot tubs, a pool and a workout room. There are also places for our trainers and physical therapy guys.”
“This is really cool,” she replied. “I didn’t even stop to think you guys would need all this stuff. But it makes sense. After all, you are thebig, fancy-schmancyathlete getting paid the big bucks.”
“You haven’t even seen the best part,” he added, grabbing her hand and leading her into the biggest room yet. Beautiful lightly-colored wooden floors spread across the expanse of the massive room, goals lining three of the walls, the last wall housing floor to ceiling windows.
“This is beautiful,” she breathed. “Which is weird coming from me, considering how big of a dummy I am about sports. But everything here looks so, so-”
“New?” he asked.
“Exactly!That’s the exact, perfect word I was looking for.” Cassie smiled.
“So are you ready to get this show on the road?” Jamal asked, wagging his eyebrows at her.
“Bring it, big boy,” she said with an exaggerated swagger. “I’ll take youdoooowwwwn!”
Jamal let out a laugh and Cassie couldn’t help but laugh as well. She knew she was being ridiculous, but it was so much fun. Jamal seemed to always bring out the best in her.
“So are you going to get me a jersey so I can bring thepuh-ain!?”she added for greater effect, mimicking dropping a mike in the process.
“Oh, yes, ma’am,” he said, grabbing her shirt and pulling her close to him. “I told you I wanted to see you in my shirt. And a jersey is even better.”
Cassie’s heart fluttered in her chest. But damn, this man standing in front of her did crazy things to her libido. She couldn’t think when she was around him. Maybe her friends had gotten in her head with all their getting freaky talk. But then she took a look at Jamal. Even with the ridiculously cheesy Gatorland t-shirt on, he was still utterly delectable.